Guy Darrin Gardner

Early life

Guy Gardner was born in Baltimore, Maryland to parents Roland and Peggy Gardner. His father was an abusive alcoholic, and frequently beat the young Guy while idolizing his older brother Mace. Mace eventually became a cop. After years of taking beatings and trying to impress his parents, Guy finally gave up. If he could not be as good as his brother, he decided to do the opposite. Guy turned into a juvenile delinquent, frequently getting into trouble and breaking the law. An outlaw and a criminal, he was constantly going in and out of juvenile hall.

After his 18th birthday, his brother finally straightened him out. When Guy stole a car, rather than let him go to city jail, Mace beat the tar out of him, told him to stop making people ashamed of him, get some real clothes and a decent job. He loaned Guy some money, and told him it was the last time anybody else was going to look out for him. Guy started working hard in school again, got a job and paid his way through college. He took his aggression out playing undergraduate football at the University of Michigan. Later, his brother Mace was revealed to be a dirty cop after drug dealers shot him and left him paraplegic. Rather than continue living, Mace committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. Guy Gardner went on to graduate a Liberal Arts Major from college, with degrees in both psychology and education. For a time he worked counseling prisoners, before settling into a more permanent job as a gym teacher for children in special education. Eventually, when Guy's father was dying of liver failure, the two would make peace and spend a week together before the old man passed away.

Back-Up Green Lantern

When the previous Green Lantern of Sector 2814, an alien named Abin Sur crash-landed on Earth, he had to choose someone to replace him shortly before he died. The two most worthy men on the planet to pass his ring on to were Guy Gardner, and Hal Jordan. Hal was chosen because at the time he was closer to the crash-site, becoming the first Green Lantern of Earth almost purely by chance. Should anything ever happen to Hal, or should he be unable to fulfill his duties, Guy Gardner would be Earth's Green Lantern. After finding this out, Hal journeyed to Baltimore and joined the Men's Club where Guy practiced physical fitness. The two quickly became fast friends, although Jordan could not reveal his secret.

Like most superheroes, Guy abhors killing and usually avoids it at all costs. He has provided a number of reasons for this. While he adheres to a strict moral code, he is not entirely inflexible when the situation he finds himself in calls for him to take actions towards the greater good.

During his time with the Corpse, although leader Von Daggle required him to assassinate targets, he had an inner struggle, and ultimately could not bring himself to perform an execution like that. He later explained that killing someone is the "easy" way out, and his style is making the scum of the universe face the music. At the climax of the Sinestro Corps War, when usage of lethal force was enabled for regular Corps members, he was faced with this dilemma again. Trapped and cornered, he had no option but to kill the Sinestros around him in self-defense. Although he expressed reluctance, and concern about keeping up with the standards of his friends, he was willing to if he had to. The choice was taken out of his hands by a wave of Lanterns who came crashing down onto his position and saved him the trouble. He very strongly opposed the executions carried out by the Alpha Lantern Corps during Emerald Eclipse. Sciencell prisoners who participated in the riots were rounded up and killed by mandate of the Guardians. Guy was irate that they were sacrificing the ideals of the Corps by killing unarmed people in cold blood and without trials. Unfortunately, though he argued himself into a suspension, he was unable to prevent the slaughter. However, Guy has killed before in the line of duty. Duel Eknham met his fate at Guy's ring after attempting to kill him and his friends, although the villain had already been divided in half by Mongul.

However, he has at times taken an active immoral stance in his tenure as a superhero such as during his time as the "Warrior" where he decided he would be the bad guy or "garbage man" that would take care of the messes and dirty business that more straight-laced heroes strayed away from. As such he developed a poor reputation among the superhero community and is often seen as an abrasive thug by his peers.

He also has a personal code of honor about fighting. While teaming up with Lobo, who was brutalizing Qwardians, the two had a discrepancy about their personal approaches to violence. Guy had enjoyed kicking their butts, but disapproved of torturing them needlessly afterward, because there was no challenge in beating guys who were already beaten, and no point. Lobo accused him of having a soft spot, which he resented. He also took personal fault with the nuclear arms race early in his career, because there was no glory in missile warfare, and he believed combat should be man-to-man.

Green Lantern Powers

  •  Green Lantern Ring
    •  Energy Construct Creation
    •  Force Field
    •  Energy Projection
    •  Flight
    •  Mortality Protection
  • Abilities

    •  Indomitable Will
    •  Green Lantern Ring Mastery – Guy's constructs are amongst the most powerful. Guy is so eager to ringsling, and possesses so much raw will power, his ring is often sparking like a leaky water faucet about to explode. And while he may not prefer doing it his ring's no kill limiter is overridden by his will.


    •  Green Lantern Ring
    •  Green Lantern Power Battery
  •  Green Lantern Ring - Transformation Device
  •  Green Lantern Power Battery - Accessory

: 10/10
: 10/10
: 10/10
: 7/10
: 8/10
: 10/10
: 4/10

Medical Information

Name: Guy Darrin Gardner
Age: 21
Birthday: Feburary 19, 1997
Gender: Male



17/20 (Search)
17/20 (Acting)
9/20 (Scrounging)
11/20 (Programming)
13/20 (Cooking)
11/20 (Climbing)
13/20 (Hiking)
13/20 (Driving)
12/20 (Riding)
14/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


14/20 (Savoir-Faire)
9/20 (Observation)
11/20 (Gesture)
11/20 (Verbal)
12/20 (Carousing)
10/20 (Diplomacy)
11/20 (Interrogation)
19/20 (Patience)


11/20 (Hacking)
9/20 (Stealth)
16/20 (Fast-Talk)
14/20 (Streetwise)
9/20 (Forced Entry)
9/20 (Lockpicking)
9/20 (Pickpocket)
9/20 (Holdout)
8/20 (Disguise)


11/20 (Throwing)
10/20 (Axe)
10/20 (Mace)
10/20 (Broadsword)
9/20 (Knife)
10/20 (Shortsword)
10/20 (Staff)
11/20 (Beam Weapons)
10/20 (Bow)
11/20 (Crossbow)
11/20 (Small Guns)
10/20 (Heavy Weapons)


9/20 (Boxing)
17/20 (Brawling)
9/20 (Karate)
15/20 (Coporia)
9/20 (Karatmancy)
9/20 (Judo)
10/20 (Sumo)
9/20 (Wrestling)

