Clara Kent

Early Life

Kal-El was born on Krypton to Jor-El and Lara. After Jor-El discovered that the planet was doomed to destruction, he attempted to escape with his family into the Phantom Zone but was repelled by the criminals who had already been imprisoned there. With no other choice, he and Lara resigned themselves to their fates, placing their son in a prototype evacuation rocket, activating its Brainiac intelligence, and sending it to a planet with a yellow sun: Earth. The rocket landed in Smallville, Kansas where the Kryptonian baby was discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent, who had just learned that they could not have children of their own. Seeing this alien orphan as their chance, they gathered him up and took him home, leaving a stillborn calf in his place in the hopes of throwing the government off their trail. They raised him as Clark Kent teaching him their values. Eventually, Jonathan revealed Clark's true parentage to him, but left it to him to decide what it would mean to him.

Rough Road

Clark’s childhood was rough as he transitioned to his teenage years. Earth’s Yellow sun and the chemical in the atmosphere began to change the young man, function as hormone treatments and slowly transitionaling him from male to female. A recording from Jor-El wahred young Clark of this and why they were so hesitent to send him to Earth, but alas they had no other options and their was no sulution that could be created to stop the process. Over the next few years Clark suffered ridicule and bullying for being transgender, a state he himself wished to have no part of but was helpless as his hair seemed to grow faster with each passing day and her breasts grew out large and prominent. It was not something he could hide, but like traditional hormone treatments it was not 100% perfect and despite a very feminine outward appearance he was still male between his legs and on the side.

Starting Over

On the night of his prom, however, because Clark had no superhero role models to make him feel comfortable becoming a hero, Clark was unable to save his adopted parents from dying in a car accident. After their funerals, Clark sold Kent Farm to a neighbor and moved to Metropolis to become a journalist, renaming herself Clara Kent as she tried to put her past behind her and move on with her life.

Becoming Supersister

Upon moving to Metropolis, Clark took a job at the Daily Star and prepared herself to act as a vigilante at the age of 22, by having several shirts printed with the S-Symbol that had come to Earth with her emblazoned on them. Her attempt to rescue a young boy caused her to reveal herself before she expected to, and the city came to know of the superhuman woman. Within six months, Clara had fully revealed herself and was targeting corrupt businessman Glen Glenmorgan when General Sam Lane and Lex Luthor took an interest in her. They staged several emergencies to trap her, finally succeeding with a train crash that endangered the General's own daughter Lois. In collaboration with the military, Luthor tortured Supersister while his Kryptonian Rocket was studied. Upon her escape, Supersister sealed her birth rocket away for protection but was too late to prevent its Kryptonian signal from alerting the Collector of Worlds to its location - and unaware that Luthor was complicit in making that happen.

One Small Leap

After the district of New Troy had been secretly shrunken down and abducted by the Collector of Worlds, Supersister made a giant leap from Metropolis into outer space, catching hold of the retreating space-ship. The Collector tried to force Supersister to choose between the lives of those in the city of Kandor and of New Troy, but he refused to choose, instead donning a Kryptonian suit of armour from one of the bottles and promising to protect both. Defeating the Collector and returning New Troy to its original place, Supersister then came out officially to the people of Metropolis as an alien and promised to remain on the side of good. Supersister and Black Bat met for the first time while Clara was investigating a series of murders in Wayne Enterprises. The two new heroes were unexpectedly whisked to a parallel reality by Kaiyo the Trickster where they met older and more experienced versions of themselves. When they were returned back to their Earth however, Kaiyo wiped their memories of the whole interaction. At some point, some of Supersister's DNA was collected by both the organization N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and Lex Luthor to produce clones of the Kryptonian, in five years creating Superboy and Bizarro respectively.

Unlike most interpretation of the character Clara is quite confident and outgoing, having to defend her “choice” since childhood she has become quite focused and confident as a result.

Like most interpretation its Supersister that is the mask, bubbly, friendly, outgoing, she tries to represent everything great about Truth, Justice, and the American Way, but is actually quite insecure. After all while Clara is out as transgender woman Supersister tries to keep up appearances she is a natural woman and so over compensates her feminine qualities and positive attitude.


  •  Kryptonian Physiology – Under the effects of a "yellow" sun, Supersister possesses the same potential powers as an average Kryptonian. These include:
    •  Solar Energy Absorption – Under optimal conditions, this is the main source of Supersister's super powers as they are contingent upon exposure to solar radiation from a yellow sun star system. His biological make up includes a number of organs which lack analogues in humans and whose functions are unknown. It is believed that between one or more of these and his bio-cellular matrix, "yellow" solar energy is stored for later use. This allows for the use of these powers to fade when yellow solar radiation is not available instead of immediate failure.
    •  Superhuman Strength – Supersister's strength is augmented by yellow solar radiation interacting with the greater than human density, resilience and biological efficiency of his musculature. His strength is more an act of conscious will on energy fields than actual physical strength. It is this act of conscious will that enables him to perform physical feats that are beyond the mere application force, such as moving a mountain top without said rock crumbling under its own mass.
    •  Shock Wave Projection – Supersister is strong enough to create powerful sonic booms with just the clap of his hands. These sonic claps are powerful enough to be heard across states.
    •  Superhuman Speed – Supersister is able to move at incredible speed by sheer force of will. This extends to his perceptions and allows for feats such as catching bullets in mid flight as well as covering vast distances in little or no time. Supersister was even fast enough to keep up with Wally West on foot, though he is still slower.
    •  Molecular Acceleration – Supersister can vibrate his molecular structure at various levels to achieve various effects.
    •  Time Travel – Supersister was fast enough to jump into the timestream and travel throughout it, with the aid of the Cosmic Treadmill.
    •  Vortex Creations – Supersister can use his speed to manipulate airflow for various purposes. He was able to use his flight speed to funnel a toxic chemical out of the atmosphere and into space.
    •  Superhuman Agility – Supersister's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to superhuman levels. This allows him to easily make sharp turns and easily maneuver while flying and moving at superhuman speed.
    •  Superhuman Reflexes – Supersister possesses reflexes far greater than any normal human being. This allows him to easily react to danger and events, and perceive the world in slow motion. His mind is able to process information at such speeds that he can perceive femtoseconds and attoseconds.
    •  Superhuman Stamina – Supersister is able to maintain continuous strenuous physical action for an indefinite period of time. This based on his body converting yellow solar radiation directly to energy, but is limited by physiological and psychological needs to eat, drink and sleep.
    •  Superhuman Senses – All of Supersister's senses are enhanced to immense superhuman levels, allowing him to perceive the world in far greater detail than the senses the average human possesses.
    •  Super-Hearing – Supersister's hearing is sensitive enough to hear any sound at any volume or pitch. With skill and concentration, he can block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency.
    •  Super-Vision – Supersister's vision processes the entire electromagnetic spectrum as well as allowing vast control over selective perception and focus. This umbrella ability includes the following:
      •  Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision – Supersister can see well into most of the electromagnetic spectrum. He can see and identify radio and television signals as well as all other broadcast or transmitted frequencies. Using this ability, he can avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods. This also allows him to see the aura generated by living thing.
      •  Infrared Vision – Supersister can see with better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness.
      •  Microscopic Vision – This is the ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level.
      •  Telescopic Vision – This is the ability to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics. Though limited, the exact extent of the ability is undetermined. In function, it is similar to the zoom lens on a camera.
      •  X-Ray Vision – This is the ability to see through any volume of matter except lead. Supersister can see things behind a solid, opaque object as if it were not there. He can focus this ability to "peel back" layers of an object, allowing hidden image or inner workings to be observed. The exact type of energy perceived—such as x-rays, cosmic rays, or some other energy invisible to normal humans—is unclear. This ability perceives an ambient energy source though, it does not involve the eye projecting a concentrated, possibly toxic, beam to be reflected back from objects.
    •  Flight – Supersister is able to manipulate graviton particles to defy the forces of gravity and achieve flight. This ranges from hovering to moving in any posture, in any direction. He capable of flying at above supersonic and hypersonic speeds.
    •  Heat Vision – Supersister can, as a conscious act, fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it. He can vary the heat and area affected.
    •  Super Flare – Supersister's last resort power that he'd discovered through his heat vision, was the ability to immediately expel all of his stored solar energy in one gigantic burst of explosive force. This Solar Flare utilizes all the stored energy within his cells at once, allowing for an all out AoE attack. He cannot use it more than once or twice however, as it drains him of all his powers until he can recharge his cells with solar energy. Give or take 24 hours, in that expanse of time, he is rendered virtually human and vulnerable. Luckily for Supersister, thanks to the training he received from the Justice League, he learned to keep his flares smaller and more contained, so that it doesn't take as long for his powers to come back.
    •  Interstellar Travel – Supersister is immune to the nature of space and is not inhibited by its lack of gravity. He can travel the reaches of space where no human body could probably be without the aid of technology or protection.
    •  Invulnerability – Due to the interaction of his dense molecular structure and supercharged bio-electric aura, Supersister is nigh-invulnerable to extreme energy forces. In addition, his extends this protection against toxins and diseases.
    •  Longevity – Supersister can live longer than regular humans, remaining at his prime as long as he was under the exposure of the "yellow" sun.
    •  Super-Breath – Supersister is able to create hurricane force winds by exhaling air from his lungs. He can chill the air as it leaves his lungs to freeze targets. He can also reverse the process to pull large volumes of air or vapor into his lungs.
    •  Self-Sustenance – Supersister doesn't need to eat or sleep so long as he has enough solar energy (but is still capable of doing so), and doesn't require oxygen to breathe.


  •  Expert Combatant – Due to having superpowers all his life and constantly engaging in battle with various foes, Supersister has over time become an excellent hand-to-hand fighter utilizing a fighting style that directly complements his superpowers. Supersister's combat versatility allows him to adapt to any foe and beat them. Additionally, Supersister has been trained in boxing and according to Captain Comet his brawling skills are formidable. He was also trained by Wonder Woman in Amazonian combat, bested and regarded as a natural hunter by Moon herself, and even learned some advanced martial arts techniques from Batman. Batman even complimented Clara, by agreeing that he can take care of himself, even without powers.
  •  Genius Level Intellect – He has shown incredible intelligence and computational abilities; his mind works sharply and with extreme speed relative to earth-humans. Supersister's analytical powers enable him to read information directly from machines (and, with careful usage of his heat vision, he can even reprogram machines).
  •  Indomitable Will – Supersister has shown to have a powerful spirit, free of corruption and temptation. Having been raised by a kindly Kansas farmer and his wife, he was taught to protect life and help others. He is very optimistic and never gives up, even when things look bad. Supersister has learned how to place mental inhibitors on his own power so that he doesn't accidentally "flex and cause the tectonic plates to shift." To him, they are the barriers that allow him to feel human enough to live a healthy life, and he only ever releases one of them when fighting a particularly powerful opponent or performing a difficult task.
  •  Torquasm Vo – Torquasm Vo is a Kryptonian discipline that Supersister uses sometimes. It is basically a means of focusing ones mental discipline to help fight adverse effects such as mental domination. It can be used to manipulate someone's mind. Supersister used that ability during his fight against the Eradicator. It was used to create an illusion to let Supersister enter inside the Eradicator.
  •  Torquasm Rao – A heavy-hitting martial art from Krypton. Allows him to tap into his instincts and separate himself from his body. Makes him able to prevent others from manipulating his mind and allows him to fight on the astral plane.
  •  Meditation
  •  Weaponry
  •  Chi Manipulation – Supersister learned the art of Bagua under the instruction of I-Ching. He learned how to manipulate his Chi or Qi to help him gain a better control over his powers. Supersister recommended to Supergirl that she should go train with I-Ching herself. Just so that she could regain proper control over her powers, after her fight with the Fatal Five. When going over his lost memories after the merging of the essences of both his Pre-Flashpoint and Post-Flashpoint selves, he remembered Super-Man that happened in his past, as a reference to his training.
  •  Investigation – Both as a superhero and as a journalist, Supersister is an expert at gathering evidence from all kinds of sources.
  •  Journalism – Clara is one of the best reporters on the Daily Planet, rivaled only by his wife Lois Lane. He gained a Pulitzer Prize at least in one occasion.
  •  Leadership – Supersister has proven many times over his ability to command respect and inspire others with his charisma, ardor and idealism. He often serves as the primus inter pares of the Justice League.
  •  Intimidation
  •  Multilingualism – Supersister speaks Mandarin Chinese.


  •  Kryptonian Physiology – Under the effects of a "yellow" sun, Supersister possesses the same potential weaknesses as an average Kryptonian. These include:
    •  Vulnerability to Kryptonite
    •  Vulnerability to Magic
    •  Solar Energy Dependency – Kryptonian abilities will eventually weaken without replenishing their energy reserves with normal (yellow) sun radiation. When exposed to the same red solar radiation as Krypton's red sun Rao, it causes Kryptonians to lose their powers within a large amount of exposure until exposure to yellow sunlight reverses this effect.
    •  Sensory Overload – With his extremely acute senses, Supersister can be overtaxed to the point of pain when encountered by extreme external stimuli such as hypersonics (hearing), balance, sight (flash bang).


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Medical Information

Name: Clara Kent
Age: 28
Birthday: Feburary 19, 1990
Gender: Male



17/20 (Search)
17/20 (Acting)
9/20 (Scrounging)
11/20 (Programming)
13/20 (Cooking)
11/20 (Climbing)
13/20 (Hiking)
13/20 (Driving)
12/20 (Riding)
14/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


14/20 (Savoir-Faire)
9/20 (Observation)
11/20 (Gesture)
11/20 (Verbal)
12/20 (Carousing)
10/20 (Diplomacy)
11/20 (Interrogation)
19/20 (Patience)


11/20 (Hacking)
9/20 (Stealth)
16/20 (Fast-Talk)
14/20 (Streetwise)
9/20 (Forced Entry)
9/20 (Lockpicking)
9/20 (Pickpocket)
9/20 (Holdout)
8/20 (Disguise)


11/20 (Throwing)
10/20 (Axe)
10/20 (Mace)
10/20 (Broadsword)
9/20 (Knife)
10/20 (Shortsword)
10/20 (Staff)
11/20 (Beam Weapons)
10/20 (Bow)
11/20 (Crossbow)
11/20 (Small Guns)
10/20 (Heavy Weapons)


9/20 (Boxing)
17/20 (Brawling)
9/20 (Karate)
15/20 (Coporia)
9/20 (Karatmancy)
9/20 (Judo)
10/20 (Sumo)
9/20 (Wrestling)

