Diana Prince


Born to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, Diana lived a serene and joyful life until the intervention of Steve Trevor upon the island of Themyscira. A tournament was held among the Amazons to determine the representative that would return to Man's World along with Trevor. Diana defeated the other Amazons but was tasked with the final challenge, deflecting a bullet fired from a gun by her mother. After winning the contest Diana was awarded a suit of armor and the Lasso of Truth and left for the United States, though upon her arrival she was arrested and detained in a cell. Falling into despair, Diana was visited by the Gods of Olympus in their animal forms: a peacock, deer, owl, mouse, eagle, dove and tortoise, who granted her the gifts of strength, speed, endurance, empathy and flight. Shortly after coming to the outside world, Diana interrupted a terrorist attack and was named "Wonder Woman" by the press. She continued to use her gifts to fight for peace and justice in Man's World. She later fought who she thought to be Ares, though in truth it was Phobos and Deimos who were disguised as their father. Fearing that she would eventually discover the truth and free Ares from his prison beneath Themyscira, the Gods of Olympus sent Phobos and Deimos to erase all memory of Themyscira from Diana's mind. The twin gods were unable to erase the memory, so instead they later implanted false memories regarding her home to deceive Diana, leading to a completely separate origin story and causing her to hallucinate new adventures. Diana was unaware that her memories had been tampered with, and believed the falsifications until her search for the truth led her to Ares himself years later.

False Origin

In her false memories, the Amazons traditionally procreated by raping and then murdering sailors who happened too close to their island. Hippolyta was barren, and legend told that Diana was born of her mother's strong desire for a child, a lump of clay brought to life in the form of a girl; the perfect Amazon, as she was born of no man. The truth, though, was that Hippolyta had had an affair with Zeus, and Diana's real parentage was hidden in order to protect the Queen and her daughter from the wrath of Zeus' notoriously jealous wife Hera. Unbeknownst to Diana, her mother also gave birth to her twin, a brother named Jason.

Pretty Justice

Upon becoming a super-heroine, Wonder Woman became a founding member of the Pretty Justice. Her ambassadorial duties required her to visit Washington D.C., with army officer Steve Trevor as her liaison. When Parademons stormed Metropolis, Wonder Woman resolved to defend the city, meeting the heroes Supersister, Black Bat, Flash, Green Lantern and Aquaman. They also met the young hero Cyborg, who attempted to warn them against the evil alien conqueror Darkseid. Unfortunately, Cyborg's warnings were meaningless, as Darkseid had already arrived. Although Darkseid had initially beat them without effort, Green Lantern rallied them in order to confront Darkseid as a team. Enpowered by Black Bat’s Compact Diana was reborn as Princess Wonder and then proved crucial in Darkseid's defeat, stabbing him in one of his eyes to prevent him from using his Omega Beams. This gave Supersister and Cyborg enough time to throw Darkseid back into his home-world.



  •  Divine Empowerment – After leaving for Man's World, Diana was gifted with various powers by the Gods of Olympus. These include:
    •  Superhuman Strength – Diana possesses far greater strength than the finest human athletes. She kept an A.R.G.U.S aircraft from crashing by holding it up. She dispatched numerous Parademons during Darkseid's invasion and broke the Fortress of Solitude's doors down when H'el locked Supersister out and took control of it. She has also managed to briefly overpower both Green Lantern and Aquaman, as well as Supergirl. She managed to defeat the goddess Artemis, as well as draw blood from The First Born.
    •  Superhuman Durability – Diana possesses a high resistance to damage and magical attacks. Her resistance to injury is not quite as great as Supersister or Supergirl. However, due to her vast threshold for pain and her Amazonian ability to heal at a superhuman rate, this easily makes up for the difference. She has withstood considerable bludgeoning damage in the form of hand to hand combat with metahuman opponents such as Supersister and Shazam. She has considerable resistance to human weaponry, though this is not absolute; bullets and edged weapons can cause minor to moderate injury, but never life threatening. Whether or not however she can survive bullets to vital areas is disputable. She was once mortally wounded by a hail of bullets that bounced off Supersister and hit her neck. Alternatively, she also survived being shot by an Eighth Metal bullet to the head. A possible explanation is the bullet's impact being partially absorbed by her tiara which flies off due to the impact.
    •  Flight – Gifted unto her by the messenger god Hermes, Diana possesses the power to fly at high speeds.
    •  Superhuman Speed – She is able to think, react, run and move at superhuman speeds. According to Flash, she can keep up with him if he is at regular cruising speed (but not at top speed).
    •  Superhuman Reflexes – Wonder Woman's reflexes are far beyond the limitations of the finest human athletes. She has been able to react to a barrage of gunfire from multiple opponents at once unharmed. Black Bat noted that her reflexes are superior to that of Supersister.
    •  Superhuman Agility – Wonder Woman's agility is far beyond that of even an Olympic level athlete, as is her balance and coordination.
    •  Superhuman Stamina – Wonder Woman can last a great deal of time in any fight and with virtually anyone. She has held her own in combat with foes as powerful as a Doomsday clone. She doesn't tire out, as her body produces no lactic acids in her muscles.
    •  Accelerated Healing – In the rare event of suffering a serious injury, Diana can heal from mild to moderate injuries at an amazing rate. Her normal regenerative abilities allow her to recover from injury within seconds to minutes. She possesses an incredible immunity from poisons, toxins, as well as disease.
    •  Animal Empathy – Diana possesses the ability to communicate with all forms of animals and her presence alone can bring a raging beast to a calm standstill. She is also able to directly command wild animals when needed.
    •  Longevity – As a demigoddess, Wonder Woman will live longer than human beings.
    •  Magic – When she was a child, Diana was marked by the goddess Hecate and bestowed with a fraction of her magical ability.
    •  Enhanced Senses – Diana's all five senses are enhanced to superhuman level gifted by the goddess of hunt, Artemis, such as:
      •  Enhanced Hearing
      •  Enhanced Vision
      •  Enhanced Sense of Smell

Princess Wonder Powers

  •  Super Human Condition
    •  Super Human Strength
    •  Super Human Speed
    •  Super Human Agility
    •  Super Human Endurance
    •  Super Human Stamina
    •  Super Human Reflexes
    •  Super Human Senses
    •  Super Human Beauty
    •  Hypnotic Voice


  •  Bracelets of Submission – Two magic bracelets that can deflect both projectiles and blunt attacks. The Bracelets are comprised of the godly Eighth Metal, one of the strongest elements in the Multiverse. They are almost indestructible capable of withstanding, even deflecting; such force as Darkseid's Omega Beams. In the false life Diana had lived the god of the forge; Hephaestus, had modified her bracelets with the ability to manifest any number of weaponry she desires.
  •  Lasso of Truth – The Lasso, also referred to as the Golden Perfect, is a sacred relic of the Amazons and was given to them by the Gods of Olympus. It was bestowed to Wonder Woman when she embarked to Man's World. The Lasso's most known power is to force anyone ensnared by it to speak only the truth. It also possesses a number of other magical abilities. The Lasso is capable of tethering the hearts and minds of the individuals holding it, creating a telepathic link between them, as well as allowing for language translation. It can also be used to bind and ensnare the souls of beings, including even gods, within it. Diana can use the Perfect to locate individuals who share an emotional connection to her. It can also be used to force a biophysical reset of those who have been corrupted by some external influence, such as poisons and toxins or mind control, who are bound by it. Diana is highly proficient at using the Lasso of Truth as both a tool and a weapon, and is capable of easily binding people and objects using it.
  •  Atlantiades' Armor – As the new God of Love, Atlantiades can bestow favors on their protégés, such as the powerful armor endowed with the strength of the Erotes that they temporarily gave to Diana.


  •  Invisible Plane – Wonder Woman possesses an airplane capable of rendering itself completely invisible to the human eye. Like her bracelets, Diana's invisible plane is forged with Eighth Metal, making it almost indestructible. The Invisible Plane was originally the aircraft Steve Trevor crashed onto Themyscira; it was repaired by the Amazons and upgraded with their technology.


  •  Magical Sword – A sword forged by Hephaestus, said to be sharp enough to cut the electrons off an atom.
  •  Shield of Alcippe
  •  Sword of Exoristos
  •  Themysciran Shield – Wonder Woman often wields a Themysciran shield to deflect heavy weaponry.
  •  Pretty Compact - Transformation Device

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Medical Information

Name: Diana Prince
Age: 256
Birthday: Feburary 19, 1762
Gender: Female



17/20 (Search)
17/20 (Acting)
9/20 (Scrounging)
11/20 (Programming)
13/20 (Cooking)
11/20 (Climbing)
13/20 (Hiking)
13/20 (Driving)
12/20 (Riding)
14/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


14/20 (Savoir-Faire)
9/20 (Observation)
11/20 (Gesture)
11/20 (Verbal)
12/20 (Carousing)
10/20 (Diplomacy)
11/20 (Interrogation)
19/20 (Patience)


11/20 (Hacking)
9/20 (Stealth)
16/20 (Fast-Talk)
14/20 (Streetwise)
9/20 (Forced Entry)
9/20 (Lockpicking)
9/20 (Pickpocket)
9/20 (Holdout)
8/20 (Disguise)


11/20 (Throwing)
10/20 (Axe)
10/20 (Mace)
10/20 (Broadsword)
9/20 (Knife)
10/20 (Shortsword)
10/20 (Staff)
11/20 (Beam Weapons)
10/20 (Bow)
11/20 (Crossbow)
11/20 (Small Guns)
10/20 (Heavy Weapons)


9/20 (Boxing)
17/20 (Brawling)
9/20 (Karate)
15/20 (Coporia)
9/20 (Karatmancy)
9/20 (Judo)
10/20 (Sumo)
9/20 (Wrestling)

