Mima Hojo


Emu developed interests in video games at the mere age of 8, which he proved to have a natural talent for in the near future. This lead him to creating the concept for Mighty Brothers XX, to ease his loneliness. From a young age, he was a huge fan of Genm Corp. and often sent fan letters to one of its programmers, Kuroto Dan, which had included ideas for new games. Furious that someone who could create game concepts on par with him, Kuroto sent Mighty Action C, a game in-development which, unknown to anyone but Kuroto, had been infected with a strain of the Bugster Virus, which subsequently infected the boy.

On one rainy day, Emu succumbed to the Bugster Virus and subsequently got involved in a traffic accident. After receiving an emergency surgery from Kyotaro Hinata, Emu was given a WonderSwan handheld video game device by Dr. Hinata as a reward for hanging on. This event would inspire Emu to become a doctor and help children like the one who saved him.

Teenage Years

Emu would later go on to win numerous gaming tournaments under the gaming alias of M. Sometime in 2010, Emu trained vigorously for a gaming tournament he had participated in, at the cost of his health. Unknown to him, Kuroto watched his victory in the shadows, having watched Emu for a decade. Shortly after, Emu was abducted by the Next Genome Institute, who had been hired by Kuroto to remove the now-mature Bugster Virus from Emu's body. After the matured Bugster later known as Parado was successfully removed from Emu's body, the members of the Next Genome Institute vanished. Emu would believe that the operation was nothing more than a dream. Following the incident, he decided to take a serious attitude in his entrance exam and pursue being a doctor. However, the leftover Bugster Virus in his body would create a split personality that represented his gaming interest. The Bugster Virus that had been extracted would be used as the basis for the virus used for Zero Day a year later.

Becoming Kamen Rider Ex-Aid

It seemed to be pure chance that Emu had become Ex-Aid to begin with, considering everything else that's happened. What would've been a simple check-up on one of his patients would spiral out into his first contact with the Bugsters proper, not only with the hybrid Lexx but also with the main boss of Mighty Action X, Salty taking form. Seeing a chance to take action with a corrsponding Gashat and Driver, he becomes Kamen Rider Ex-Aid to take on Salty with Lexx, and defeat the enemy Bugster.

Becoming Kamen Rider Brave Appears

"However, whatever relief with becoming part of CR proper would soon fade with having to deal with the imminent onset of Bugsters, while also having to deal with another such Rider, Hiiro Kagami, AKA Kamen Rider Brave. Things would also change for the worse when the new Bugster, Aranbura absolutely wipes the floor with him, leaving him unable to continue being a Rider until he could get his act together again.


It would only get more complicated from there, as in his brief limbo period he is given a chance by a mysterious stranger to continue being a Rider with a different Driver and Gashat, as the opportunity to continue being Ex-Aid to deal with Revol. He chooses the latter, but tells the stranger to entrust the gear to Asuna Karino and let her be a Rider too as he comes back into the fray to try and do what he does best.

Riverly Rears it Head

From there he also tries his best actively deal with the crisis at hand, as he and the rest of CR are informed of the theft of some of Genm's additional Gashats, as well of an old rival of his resurfacing to take revenge; Nico Saiba, who had taken the Gekitotsu Robots Gashats to settle such a score with him as the Collabros Bugsters are let loose to take the Bugsters' fight directly to the Riders. The rivals got their match, but end up with Nico becoming a cyborg from her own recklessness, leaving the poor doctor and an ever-present Lexx lost on how to fix the hybrid.

Power Rider Go!

After much prodding and desperation however, the two are picked up by the mysterious stranger and his odd assortment of animal-themed train cars, since there seemed to be no way of treating Nico and her newfound Bugster Hybrid status under normal cirmustances. It's there he learns two very important things; Who this stranger actually is, a time-displaced ranger named Nikolai Blecker and their current mission, to stop the game known as Power Rider Go! from claiming any lives as part of its everyone-for-themselves gameplay.

This is a lot to take in for a newly-minted rider only used to taking on Bugsters at this point, especially moreso with the discovery of Bugster Hybrids like Lexx and Nico along with Power Rider Go! and how its Power Players are automatically at Level X, a level none of the Riders are anywhere near, so Emu and Blecker start working together to sort Level X out with help from a certain Wendall King, who serves as a liaision between CR and Machina Vision and already possessing the Level X Monster Safari Gashat.

One More Rival

At this point, Emu hypothesised that being inoculated with a viral strain for what he thinks has been 6 years up to this point would give him a greater resistance to any viral backlash created by the Gashat, but would be proven wrong as it creates a Bugster Rival intent on assimilating him instead. It was only due to Hiiro and his aides severing their connection that Emu was able to safely transform and try to deal with the rival, only for both sides to withdraw thanks to a spot of really bad luck.

A Magical World

After than incident, he has an odd idea for his own Level X Gashat, which would then have a basis in the even more theoretical Level i: A hack and slash Gashat themed after Magical Girls and centered around a viral purging ability, thinking it'd be a way of curing unwilling hybrids like Lexx and Nico. Seeing a chance to get him introduced to the grand scope of the situation, Blecker humors him on the idea and asks if he would like to meet one of those Magical Girls in person. He agrees, thinking it would help him with figuring out how the Gashat could work.

The two then would end up in Equestria, a magical place populated by animals ponies and other magic creatures, a perfect place for help on figuring it out. However, it's nature would lead to some complications that would become apparent the longer they stayed there thanks to some advantageous time dilation, including Lexx going feral and starting to turn the whole of Ponyville into tigers like her. Whatever attempts at getting her to snap out of it don't take at first and she flees into Everfree Forest into the company of a pack of Timberwolves.

After some additional convincing, including fighting said Timberwolves, Emu and Blecker, but mostly Emu are able to convince Lexx to realise what she's done and get to work trying to resolve the situation, while also finishing the Level i Gashat in question at the same time. While all this was happening, Nico had gone feral, infected Navi and took off with one of the train cars back to Earth.

With something like Lexx's rampage possibly repeating on Earth, everybody just starts working on the Gashat as quickly as they can, because while the dilation is advantageous to them, there's still only so much time they can spare before they absolutely have to go back. Realising this, Emu also makes plans to head back to Earth early to deal with the situation before she could infect somebody and it gets out of hand, hopefully.


Of course, Emu manages to get back after a detour in America and introduction to Power Rider Go's real scope but not without a slight change only Saki had noticed at first; He had become a woman who goes by 'Mima Hojo', who according to the still-slightly feral Nico is Emu's sister, which is true to a certain extent. The reunion, in hopes of getting Nico to open up about herself goes awry when Nico leads her to a pride of cat girls obsessed with hunting others with thought for little else as the pride tries making Mima one of them.

It would go further awry as immediately Mima establishes herself as leader of the pride due to her skills, they are all picked up by Souichi Isurugi, claiming to be a friend of Blecker's when he was in reality the extradimensional terrorist Blood Stalk, or Evolt as he'd also been known as. They would all be never to be seen again, except Saki runs into two catgirls working for the terrorist organisation Faust, who claim to not be Emu and Nico but otherwise look identical to how she last saw them. The attempt by her to save them does not take, and they leave her devestated with no adequate way of explaining who Faust and Evolt are.

Mima, or Nyan as she's called herself would sporadically make appearances since then, trying to gather data for Faust and attempting to reposess their hardware while turning heads all around as part of a growing population of catgirls. That is, until Kamen Rider Odin, doing a favour for Saki finds the two brainwashed operatives and not only tries appealing to their former identities but also lures them near something reflective to bring them back to CR so they could be un-brainwashed.

The attempt was a total success this time, but for whatever reason Emu had not been brought back so much as Mima had been such, knowing all of what Emu knew through the lens of another witness like a relative. It still works however as a win for CR through having the Emu remnant that was planted by Faust to throw them off CR's scent, and one willing to pick up right where the original left off. With the 'siblings' being able to catch up with Blecker as both Power Rider Go and Kamen Rider Chronicle are up at each others' throats, the three along with a relucant Taiga decide to work together to resolve the situation.

Emu Hojo is a very clumsy and yet a serious doctor to take on his job. However, his thirst for playing video games has a problem of Emu being absent-minded at times. An example of this is he sometimes fails to remember his work schedule properly and it makes the nurses scold him. He also has a habitual quirk of tumbling down in various comical ways.

Powers & Abilities

  •  Game Proficiency – Emu is highly adept in the field of video gaming, both in creative concept and actual practice. As a kid, he often creates game ideas that even Kuroto Dan, a genius game developer, recognized and envied. As a Kamen Rider, his creative concepts in gaming had lead to the creation of Mighty Brothers XX and Maximum Mighty X Gashats and the Save Energy Item, all arsenals that counters all of his toughest adversaries, specifically Genm, Para-DX, and Cronus. In actual practice, even without the influence of his Bugster, Parado, and the gaming skill of his Genius Gamer M persona, Emu is already a masterful gamer on his own with gaming skills formidable enough to see through the loopholes and weaknesses of every game and figuring out the methods of clearing them. As Genius Gamer M, Emu's skills in gaming and his battle prowesses are greatly enhanced especially when he enters a state of emotional rage or frustration, as shown when he effectively, in separate occasions, outmaneuvered both Genm and Snipe who are both at their Level 3 forms while Emu is only on Level 2. Furthermore, if his Genius Gamer persona is 100% active, his gaming skills skyrocket to a frightening degree evidenced on how despite being only at Level 3 he managed to overpower Gatton Bugster who is a Level 30, stating that one of gaming's thrills is figuring out how to defeat stronger opponents.
  •  High Interpersonal Skill – Despite his clumsiness, Emu's kindness has allowed him to connect with all of his patients. This also extends to other Riders, showing how his influence allow them to cooperate properly. It is also worth noting that during their battle against Cronus, the absence of Emu and his inability to transform resulted with their defeat and the confiscation of three Gamer Drivers.
  •  Original Bugster Virus – Being a Patient Zero (along with Masamune Dan), Emu was host to the virus for a prolonged period of time. This allowed the virus to fuse with and alter his DNA granting him Rider and possibly even Bugster-like powers and abilities that, by standard, requires external intervention to acquire.
    •  Natural Game Disease Immunity – Unlike the other Riders, but later like Masamune, Emu can utilize the Gamer Driver and Rider Gashats without the need of the compatibility surgery. Also, his immunity is absolute, unlike the other Riders' acquired immunity which can still be overwhelmed by a large dose of Bugster virus, as he was unaffected when using the Mighty Brothers XX Gashat for the first time.
      •  Game Disease Cancellation – According to Episode 29 and the fact that Parado doubles as Emu's natural immunity to the Bugster Virus, the Bugster Virus Origin and as the one who activated the Game Disease on him, when Emu's resolve is strengthened by any means (in this case, Parado harming his friends), he can make the Bugster Virus inside him his own by forcibly stopping the Game Disease Parado has started on him.
    •  Gashat Creation - As Patient Zero of the Bugster Virus, the progenitor of all the Rider Gashats and Bugsters as stated by Hiiro, he can use the Bugster Virus in him in conjunction with certain blank Gashats to create new, stronger forms for himself. This causes the Bugster Virus in him to evolve and become even stronger, which made Emu as Ex-Aid become stronger in return.
    •  Dual Personalities – Due to the Bugster Virus in Emu's DNA, he has two different personalities, which can be separated when using Mighty Brothers XX. This became dormant after Emu reprogrammed Parado, but was reawakened after re-injecting Parado into his body.
      •  Parado Respawning – A side effect of this trait, ever since Parado became the Double Action Gamer Level XX R. If Parado's physical existence is terminated while not letting him dissolve into data and absorbing his core, Emu can simply absorb his remnant data to cultivate and respawn him again.
    •  Enhanced Strength – In at least one occasion, the spontaneous activation of Emu's Bugster infection allows him to exert great physical strength without transforming.
      •  Pause Bypass – The same infection is also used to single-handedly destroy Cronus' Buggle Driver II with a single punch whilst time was paused, thereby cancelling the ability, and lowering Cronus' power such that he could be taken down by four Level 2 riders.
    •  Increased Jump Height – Due to having the Mighty Action C Virus he has the increased jump height of a platform character.
    •  Enhanced Balance - has both extremely well developed sense of balance, the positioning of limbs and the center of balance as well as the physical condition to use these facts. This combination makes them almost impossible to being knocked down/imbalanced, falling down and able to recover from momentary imbalances near instantly. is able to perfectly balance on any object, no matter how narrow or unstable it may be.
    •  Merfolk Physiology - has the ability to transform into a merfolk (female), a being with the upper body of a humanoid and the lower body of a fish. Additional abilities are also gained when in either form.
      •  Earth Swimming – The user can swim through the earth/ground as if it was water.
      •  Aquatic Adaptation – is able to survive and adapt to underwater environments, being able to breathe water in lieu of, or along with, a gaseous breathing medium, to swim well and to endure high water pressure and extreme water temperatures. They are able to use their senses to perceive normally regardless of the distortion/pressure of the water, possibly including ignoring various impurities that would otherwise reduce the visibility.
      •  Enhanced Senses – has extremely accurate senses, allowing them to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better than an average member of their species.
      •  Scale Manifestation – is able to grow scales of varying size which often possess great durability.
      •  Speed Swimming – can swim at incredible speeds, unrestricted by water resistance.
      •  Siren Song – is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting singing voice that is capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards the singer.
      •  Water Maneuverability – can move effectively under/on water and other liquids, allowing for great acrobatics and swimming in the water or jumping out of the water like a dolphin.
      •  Weather Manipulation – can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, i.e. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas.
      •  Enhanced Beauty – possesses a level of grace, physical beauty, sense of style and social poise above that commonly found on earth. This is the level of beauty of a storybook princess or fairy-tale prince charming but is below the level found in goddesses of love and beauty, such as Aphrodite, or heavenly beings like angels and archangels. Users will be able to exercise considerable social influence on others, but, unlike with Supernatural Beauty, will probably not be able to reap true superpowers from their beauty alone.
      •  Decelerated Aging – either ages slower than normal for their species or is of a species that has extended life-span.
      •  Gender Transformation – can alter ones and/or other's gender either permanently or temporarily, they may be able to combine genders for hermaphrodite or remove both for neutri. The change is completely to cellular level.

  •  Anger Empowerment --> Feline Physiology --> Werecat Physiology - Becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. through anger/rage whether their own or others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers and as a bonus the user can suppress pain to great lengths. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the anger or even slow or stop aging. If angry enough the user can also negate another's abilities/powers.
  •  Feline Physiology - Power to use the abilities of felines, and transform into a more and more feline form from emotional stress (Werecat Physiology).
    •  Prehensile Tail - Has a prehensile tail adapted to be able to grasp or hold objects. Fully prehensile tails can be used to hold and manipulate objects.
    •  Climbing - is able to climb and otherwise move effortlessly and smoothly on angled and/or vertical surfaces such as branches, rocks, walls, etc., as long as they can gain a hold of it and keep their balance.
      •  Wallrunning --> Climbing - can scale walls by walking or even running on them, provided users build up and maintain enough momentum to fuel their vertical ascension.
    •  Enhanced Athleticism - possesses athletic abilities beyond even the most dedicated training.
    •  Luck Bestowal - is technically a sentient luck charm able to grant luck to other beings in various ways. This includes broadly in everything target does or more specifically like in dating, gambling, finding a job, surviving deadly encounters, etc.
    •  Claw Extension - Has non retract razor-sharp claws of keratin, from their fingertips/feet for various (mostly offensive) purposes.
    •  Enhanced Agility - can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort.
      Agility is "the ability to rapidly respond or change by adapting its initial stable configuration", the ability to change the body's position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes, strength and endurance.
    •  Enhanced Balance - has both extremely well developed sense of balance, the positioning of limbs and the center of balance as well as the physical condition to use these facts. This combination makes them almost impossible to being knocked down/imbalanced, falling down and able to recover from momentary imbalances near instantly. is able to perfectly balance on any object, no matter how narrow or unstable it may be.
    •  Enhanced Bite - has a particularly strong bite, because of sharp fangs/teeth, Exactly what they can bite depends on the jaw-strength, resilience of their teeth/bite-surface and their shape.
    •  Enhanced Senses - has extremely accurate senses, allowing them to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better than an average member of their species.
    •  Night Vision - has has excellent night vision, the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness. Whether by biological or technological means, night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range.
    •  Enhanced Flexibility - is able to bend and twist their body beyond the normal limits of physiology, although still only from the joints. Their hypermobile joints, muscles, tendons and physiology in general allow the user perform near-boneless looking contortions without stress or damage and stay in any position they choose as long they need without effort or strain.
    •  Enhanced Leap - can jump farther than average members of their species. They can leap farther than even the greatest human athlete. Impressive feats include being able to jump over large fences, clear big holes in the ground, jump from building top to building top, and etc.
    •  Enhanced Speed - The power to possess speed enhanced beyond that of a normal member of the user's species.
    •  Life-Force Absorption - can absorb life-force/energy with her claws.


    •  Parado - Since Parado is the Bugster created from Emu, like most Bugsters, Parado can possess Emu and take over his consciousness with no effort. However, Parado can't possess Emu when he transforms into Ex-Aid Double Action Gamer Level XX (as they split into Level XX L and R), or when Parado is inside a Game Area created from a Level 0 Gashat (Proto Mighty Action X Origin). However, Parado begs Emu and saying to him for killing any people to be vanished or making a struggle against, he accepts him; which Emu is not inflicted by him, making his weakness never make him feared and now converts into friendly, connected bonds forever. At the same time, since gaining Hyper Muteki, Emu, as Ex-Aid, is literally invincible against any form of attack. However, since Muteki Gamer is accessible due to the fact that Emu has an incredible power of Genius Gamer M which enables him to manifest through the existence of Parado. If Parado is defeated, his power of Genius Gamer M and his ability to transform into Ex-Aid and to Muteki Gamer will be all gone; meaning that he's not able to use any Gashats anymore.
    •  Soft-Heartedness - Due to Emu having an idealistic attitude towards being a doctor, he often lets his emotions take control of his body, rendering him unable to carry out what he/his comrades originally planned to fulfil. This is especially evident in his fight against Hiiro, as Hiiro managed to easily defeat Emu even though the level gap was so wide.
    •  Aquatic Link - Due to Emu's new mermaid abilities he needs to stay hydraded and dehydrates at a much faster rate forcing him to spend more of his free time in water.
    •  Siren's Temtation - Emu has an unresistable urge (dificulty 18) to sing which would triger his Sirin's Socg ability (above).

  •  Gamer Driver Trio - Transformation Device
  •  Transteam Gun - Transformation Device
  •  Nebulasteam Gun - Transformation Device
  •  Rider Gashats - Transformation Trinkets
  •  Fullbottles - Transformation Trinkets

: 6/10
: 7/10
: 6/10
: 8/10
: 7/10
: 7/10
: 3/10

Medical Information

Name: Mima Hojo
Age: 24
Birthday: [Redacted] 1992
Gender: Female



7/20 (Search)
8/20 (Acting)
7/20 (Scrounging)
10/20 (Programming)
10/20 (Cooking)
8/20 (Climbing)
9/20 (Hiking)
7/20 (Driving)
11/20 (Riding)
14/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


8/20 (Savoir-Faire)
13/20 (Observation)
10/20 (Gesture)
10/20 (Verbal)
11/20 (Carousing)
7/20 (Diplomacy)
10/20 (Interrogation)
10/20 (Patience)


10/20 (Hacking)
7/20 (Stealth)
11/20 (Fast-Talk)
8/20 (Streetwise)
7/20 (Forced Entry)
7/20 (Lockpicking)
7/20 (Pickpocket)
15/20 (Holdout)
8/20 (Disguise)


8/20 (Throwing)
7/20 (Axe)
11/20 (Mace)
7/20 (Broadsword)
7/20 (Knife)
7/20 (Shortsword)
7/20 (Staff)
8/20 (Beam Weapons)
7/20 (Bow)
8/20 (Crossbow)
8/20 (Small Guns)
7/20 (Heavy Weapons)


7/20 (Boxing)
8/20 (Brawling)
7/20 (Karate)
7/20 (Coporia)
7/20 (Karatmancy)
7/20 (Judo)
7/20 (Sumo)
7/20 (Wrestling)



TBA: +1


TBA: +1


Base Rider Diff: 10 (+/-2 per level)
