Wendall King

Becoming Power Rider King

Unlike the other Power Riders Wendall was chosen not to fill a predefined gashat inside the Kamen Rider Chronicle code but as pure product placement and financing, so a gashat was cobbled together from code in the master Gashat and brought up to level X. Making King the only truly new rider Machina Vision created. All to sell fast food and toys. This position as the “face” as opposed to “fighter” of the Machnina Elite 7; Extreme, No Scope Ninja, cecilfanz23, Dead Eat, GT, and Arcade placed him in an unusual position among the Power Riders and once the game started turning violent and McDonald pulled their sponsorship he was left without a purpose. Moving back to Japan to continue his lot as a Nutritionist he was eventually drawn back in when Emu Hojo sought his help and Extreme and the Power Players started to show up in Japan.

A Rival Appears

Seeking more information about Power Rider Go! King approaches Emu and explains her ties to the forming of the Power Riders as their nutritionist and reveals his own golden driver and gashat along with Monster Safari a level X auxiliary gashat developed by Machina Vision to give the Power Players something besides the PVP Wars to play with. Emu tries to use it and ends up creating his own Bugster Rival when he is nearly consumed by it’s power this leads to Dr. King becoming more involved in the rider war in Japan due to his concerns over Emu’s heath after creating a buster and nearly dieing but his contributions still remain in the back foot.

Monster Mash

When the Monster Resistance offers their services to protect the CR Dr. King notices a trend with the werewolf, and the rise of new wolf girls eveything in the CR, confronting the Bugster Dr, King is exposed to the creatures power full force and becomes his newest and most loyal mate, the beta to his alpha and the lead wolf girl the others soon come to rely on and trust.


When the Bugster Riders announce their contest for their gashats (and Chronos) Dr. King jumps in wholehearted and wins the dance contests hands down as she take the Power of Gaim, while she subsequently looses the power of Hibiki and Kiva to an unknown Power Player she continues to help in the hunt and the defense of the city.

The Cost

As Primary mate to the Werewolf Bugster Dr. King soon reveals she is pregnant, but not only her, but nearly 90% of the converted staff of the CR and hospital meaning in a few months the hospital will have to deal with a mass exodus of riders and staff due to maternity leave and present a rough choice for the director since any new staff she hires will also be subject to the growling transformation aura of her mate and in theory wil suffer the same issue a few months from then forcing Dr King to suggest making amends with Taiga/Blecker’s hospital.

Calm and collected Dr. King's expereince with Machina Visions early promos of Power Rider means hes not really surprised with recent events but is not a fighter and prefers to offer advice and backup only acting when all others options are exausted.

Powers & Abilities

  •  Acquired Game Disease Immunity – As a result of the standard compatibility surgery for Power Rider candidates, she is immune to the Game Disease, and able to transform into a Kamen Rider to fight.
  •  Canine Physiology - Power to use the abilities of canines/werewolves (Werewolf Physiology).
    •  Enhanced Athleticism - possesses athletic abilities beyond even the most dedicated training.
    •  Regenerative Healing Factor - possesses the ability to heal rapidly from any physical injury.
    •  Claw Extension - Has non retract razor-sharp claws of keratin, from their fingertips/feet for various (mostly offensive) purposes.
    •  Enhanced Agility - can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort.
      Agility is "the ability to rapidly respond or change by adapting its initial stable configuration", the ability to change the body's position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes, strength and endurance.
    •  Enhanced Balance - has both extremely well developed sense of balance, the positioning of limbs and the center of balance as well as the physical condition to use these facts. This combination makes them almost impossible to being knocked down/imbalanced, falling down and able to recover from momentary imbalances near instantly. is able to perfectly balance on any object, no matter how narrow or unstable it may be.
    •  Enhanced Bite - has a particularly strong bite, because of sharp fangs/teeth, Exactly what they can bite depends on the jaw-strength, resilience of their teeth/bite-surface and their shape.
    •  Enhanced Senses - has extremely accurate senses, allowing them to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better than an average member of their species.
    •  Night Vision - has has excellent night vision, the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness. Whether by biological or technological means, night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range.
    •  Enhanced Flexibility - is able to bend and twist their body beyond the normal limits of physiology, although still only from the joints. Their hypermobile joints, muscles, tendons and physiology in general allow the user perform near-boneless looking contortions without stress or damage and stay in any position they choose as long they need without effort or strain.
    •  Enhanced Leap - can jump farther than average members of their species. They can leap farther than even the greatest human athlete. Impressive feats include being able to jump over large fences, clear big holes in the ground, jump from building top to building top, and etc.
    •  Enhanced Speed - The power to possess speed enhanced beyond that of a normal member of the user's species.
    •  Lunar Empowerment - becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come into contact with a moon, moonlight, or lunar energy/substance, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the moon or even slow or stop aging.
    •  Lunar Mind - when under the effects of the moon mentall revertal to a moral primal states, they howl to informs other wolves if their location, have enhanced labido, and tend to only concerm themselves with more primal needs like survival, mating, and hunting. The more full the moon the more pronounced the effects.
    •  Lycanthropic_Infection - possesses the power to transform others into wolfgirls through her mere presense, also acts as a signal booster for other wolf girls infection aura, expanding the range.

  •  GD Console Gold - Transformation Device
  •  Rider Gashats - Transformation Trinkets

: 3/10
: 6/10
: 4/10
: 4/10
: 7/10
: 4/10
: 3/10

Medical Information

Name: Wendall King
Age: 28
Birthday: [Redacted] 1988
Gender: Female



7/20 (Search)
12/20 (Acting)
7/20 (Scrounging)
10/20 (Programming)
10/20 (Cooking)
5/20 (Climbing)
7/20 (Hiking)
7/20 (Driving)
10/20 (Riding)
14/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


6/20 (Savoir-Faire)
7/20 (Observation)
10/20 (Gesture)
10/20 (Verbal)
7/20 (Carousing)
5/20 (Diplomacy)
8/20 (Interrogation)
14/20 (Patience)


10/20 (Hacking)
6/20 (Stealth)
7/20 (Fast-Talk)
10/20 (Streetwise)
7/20 (Forced Entry)
7/20 (Lockpicking)
6/20 (Pickpocket)
10/20 (Holdout)
6/20 (Disguise)


6/20 (Throwing)
5/20 (Axe)
5/20 (Mace)
5/20 (Broadsword)
5/20 (Knife)
5/20 (Shortsword)
5/20 (Staff)
7/20 (Beam Weapons)
5/20 (Bow)
6/20 (Crossbow)
7/20 (Small Guns)
6/20 (Heavy Weapons)


6/20 (Boxing)
5/20 (Brawling)
6/20 (Karate)
6/20 (Coporia)
6/20 (Karatmancy)
6/20 (Judo)
6/20 (Sumo)
6/20 (Wrestling)



TBA: +1


TBA: +1


Base Rider Diff: 10 (+/-2 per level)
