

Five years after Zero Day, the Revol Bugster emerged from Game Disease victim Yuki Kitami, a patient who was afraid of doctors, when he reached a high stress point by letting his fear overpower him. The situation was made worse by Emu, Hiiro, and Taiga trying to save him, scaring Yuki even more by transforming into Kamen Riders to fight Revol and his soldier Bugster Viruses. Recovering from a bout of bad luck with Aranbura Emu is able to one shot Revol in his union form but he is able to reform, just barely in is level 2 final form. But Emu is not alone as he is joined by Hirro, Lexx, and the debut of Poppy and Kamen Rider Amy. Taiga also joins the fight and it becomes a real dog fight with attacks grzinf missing and flying everywhere, Lexx even reverts to her primal beast form for a time while Kiro joins the fight but in the end it is Snipe who finishes Revol for good.


Powers & Abilities

  •  Teleportation – Like the Bugster executives, Revol is capable of entering any level selected by the Kamen Riders.
  •  Hebitsukai Snake Eyes Immunity – Presumably thanks to his Bugster nature, he's unaffected by Naga Ray's immobilization.
  •  Regeneration – While Aranbura has yet to achieve his perfect state, he nevertheless can revive and manifest himself in a physical form as long as he gestates in a host first, a standard ability of all Bugsters.


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: 5/10

Medical Information

Name: Revol
Age: 16
Birthday: Feburary, 29 2000
Gender: Male



7/20 (Search)
7/20 (Acting)
7/20 (Scrounging)
8/20 (Programming)
8/20 (Cooking)
7/20 (Climbing)
8/20 (Hiking)
7/20 (Driving)
11/20 (Riding)
8/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


7/20 (Savoir-Faire)
7/20 (Observation)
8/20 (Gesture)
8/20 (Verbal)
8/20 (Carousing)
6/20 (Diplomacy)
8/20 (Interrogation)
8/20 (Patience)


8/20 (Hacking)
7/20 (Stealth)
8/20 (Fast-Talk)
7/20 (Streetwise)
7/20 (Forced Entry)
7/20 (Lockpicking)
7/20 (Pickpocket)
7/20 (Holdout)
7/20 (Disguise)


7/20 (Throwing)
7/20 (Axe)
7/20 (Mace)
7/20 (Broadsword)
6/20 (Knife)
7/20 (Shortsword)
7/20 (Staff)
7/20 (Beam Weapons)
7/20 (Bow)
7/20 (Crossbow)
7/20 (Small Guns)
7/20 (Heavy Weapons)


6/20 (Boxing)
7/20 (Brawling)
6/20 (Karate)
6/20 (Coporia)
6/20 (Karatmancy)
6/20 (Judo)
7/20 (Sumo)
6/20 (Wrestling)



TBA: +1


TBA: +1


Base Rider Diff: 10 (+/-2 per level)
