Navi Poppin


Navi was created by Nikolai Blecker as his aide as well as taking care of guests on the train, in the past she also helped find the members of Blecker’s ill-fated team, a group of overbearing and over emotional humans, also know as TEENAGERS! Navi is one of several androids built by the Rainbow Line Central Station and includes other 'sister' models such as Wagon of the ToQgers main line.


When Nico infected with the Gekitosu Robots and Catgirl Virus one of the first people she infests in Navi, while her personality doesn't change much she becomes loyal to Nico’s pack and the desire to grow it.


After Blecker’s return from Equestria to see the state Navi is in he builds her a new body and transfers her files while also making shew she doesn't remain bound to the bestial urges, essentially rebooting Navi’s body.

Navi is a ditz, there is no way around it she's more interested in making freinds and cleaning the trains then thinking and that was before she was infected by Nico and became a feral cat girl.

Powers & Abilities

  •  Bionic Physiology - The user either is or can transform into a machine, including a robot, cyborg, android, weapon, etc.
    •  Rocket Fists - The user is capable of detaching their fists from their bodies and launching them at opponents from a distance.
    •  Data Manipulation - The user can create, shape and manipulate data/digital information from systems and networks, convert real objects/entities into data and vice versa, etc.
    •  Electronic Eyes - The user possesses bionic eyes, which often grants enhanced vision capabilities among other functions.
    •  Scanner Vision - The user can perform complex visual scans on their environment or creatures around them and determine their intimate properties or detect their presence. They can also diagnose the condition of what they observe and find inconsistencies or errors.
    •  Self-Detonation - The user can cause themselves to explode with varying effects from simply blowing open a door to explosions with the magnitude of nuclear explosions and recover/reassemble. They may be able to control the strength of the explosion, blow up portions of their body, or severe parts of their bodies and let it explode at contact with the enemy.
    •  Regenerative Healing Factor - The user can rapidly regenerate. In other words, they recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs, sometimes slowing, or even stopping aging.
    •  Laser Vision - The users of this power can fire off lasers from their eyes which can cause destructive damage on their intended targets.
    •  Robotization - The user has the ability to convert any biological or elemental matter with a free will into a mindless robot or machines. They can roboticize anything they desire, converting their flesh and bone into circuitry and programming code, and in many cases of doing so, utterly destroying any free will the victim once had.
  •  Defunct Physiology


  •  Energy Needs - Her new robotic form needs air, power, but not food.
  •  Viral Vulnerability - Her new robotic form is vulnerable to computer and organic viruses.
  •  Overheating - While she is stronger then normal her machinery can overheat.
  •  Liquids - While she is stronger then normal her machinery can be shorted if there is an open wound and water is thrown on it.
  •  Shock - Electricity can short her.
  •  Data Manipulation - can hack her.

  •  TBA

: 5/10
: 5/10
: 5/10
: 5/10
: 5/10
: 5/10
: 5/10

Medical Information

Name: Navi Poppin
Age: 16
Birthday: [Redacted], 2000
Gender: Female



7/20 (Search)
7/20 (Acting)
7/20 (Scrounging)
8/20 (Programming)
8/20 (Cooking)
7/20 (Climbing)
8/20 (Hiking)
7/20 (Driving)
11/20 (Riding)
8/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


7/20 (Savoir-Faire)
7/20 (Observation)
8/20 (Gesture)
8/20 (Verbal)
8/20 (Carousing)
6/20 (Diplomacy)
8/20 (Interrogation)
8/20 (Patience)


8/20 (Hacking)
7/20 (Stealth)
8/20 (Fast-Talk)
7/20 (Streetwise)
7/20 (Forced Entry)
7/20 (Lockpicking)
7/20 (Pickpocket)
7/20 (Holdout)
7/20 (Disguise)


7/20 (Throwing)
7/20 (Axe)
7/20 (Mace)
7/20 (Broadsword)
6/20 (Knife)
7/20 (Shortsword)
7/20 (Staff)
7/20 (Beam Weapons)
7/20 (Bow)
7/20 (Crossbow)
7/20 (Small Guns)
7/20 (Heavy Weapons)


6/20 (Boxing)
7/20 (Brawling)
6/20 (Karate)
6/20 (Coporia)
6/20 (Karatmancy)
6/20 (Judo)
7/20 (Sumo)
6/20 (Wrestling)



TBA: +1


TBA: +1


Base Rider Diff: 10 (+/-2 per level)
