Arthur Curry

Early life

Arthur Curry was born on January 29, 1979 to Thomas Curry, a lighthouse keeper in Amnesty Bay, Maine and Atlanna, the queen of Atlantis. When Arthur was still a child, their home was attacked by royal guards, who were sent to bring Atlanna back so that she could marry King Orvax. While Atlanna managed to fight them off, she realized she had to return to her home and leave him and his father in order to keep them both safe. Before she left, she imparted Arthur her trident as her legacy, believing him to be the key to uniting the Atlanteans and humans one day.

One day, when his school went on a field trip to an aquarium in Massachusetts, Arthur was confronted by two bullies for seemingly talking to the animals in the tank. However, when Arthur cried out, a shark came to his aid, slamming against the tank hard enough for a large crack to form. The crowd around stood back as the remaining animals surrounded Arthur. When he turned, his eyes had changed color, glowing golden.

This heritage caused Arthur to grow up with incredible powers, including the ability to breathe underwater. However, Arthur's ignorance regarding how to handle these Atlantean powers induced him to become very conflicted, and somewhat reserved, with internal struggles.

Training with Vulko

When he was 13, Arthur was approached by Vulko, the Chief Advisor to the King of Atlantis, and began to train him in unlocking his Atlantean abilities so that one day, Arthur could take his place as the rightful ruler of Atlantis. Lex Luthor, in pursuit of proving the existence of extraordinary individuals hidden among the general population, discovered Arthur's existence by hacking into the NSA's database and retrieving footage from two UUV drones, which recorded a video of Arthur emerging from a shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean near Tonga.

Footage from one drone showed Aquaman emerging from the shadows, and then aiming his trident and quickly destroying it while another recorded him swimming away from the site, causing an underwater sonic boom in his wake.

After Task Force X successfully defeated the mystical duo of Enchantress and Incubus in Midway City and saved her, Amanda Waller met up with billionaire Bruce Wayne, asking him to take care of the rumors following the aftermath of the calamitous events, and in exchange, she gave Bruce her files on Arthur Curry, referring to the information as 'crown jewels'.

Meeting Bruce Wayne

Arthur was visited by Bruce Wayne in Iceland, who had eventually tracked him down using files given to him by Amanda Waller. Bruce arrived during the winter, during which time Arthur brought fish to feed the hungry, always coming into town on the King tide. On the day afterwards, Bruce asked the village's council if he could speak with Arthur, whom he deduced was still around.

When Arthur revealed himself to be there, he demanded Bruce talk, during which he informed Arthur that an impending threat was coming to the world, asking Arthur to join the newly founded Pretty Justice under his leadership. Initially, Arthur refused to become involved with, and risk his life for, a group of strangers. He responded with hostility when Bruce made a quip about Atlantis and proceeding to pin Bruce against the wall in an attempt to intimidate him.

However, he decided to hear Bruce out, where the latter disclosed that he was Black Bat. Bruce commented on the rumors surrounding Arthur, amusingly pointing out his ability to "talk to fish." Afterwards, while Arthur was beginning to depart back to the ocean, he remarked that 'the strong man is strongest alone', to which Bruce, incredulous, commented that Arthur had gotten the actual saying backward.

Arthur rescued a sailor caught in a storm, taking him to a bar where he deposited him on a table and ordered himself a drink. The sailor, however, describe having been attacked by a strange creature, as Arthur look at his own hand and notice a green strange substance in it. Realizing that there was something wrong happening, Arthur decides to enter an Atlantean territory.

In his pursuit of the Mother Boxes left on Earth from his previous visit, the New God Steppenwolf invaded the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, where Arthur and Mera quickly arrived to defend their home.

As the battle began, the Apokoliptian warlord quickly proved his might, although Arthur was able to briefly get the better of the New God, lasting better than Mera, he was too subdued and trapped under the rubble of a pillar before continuing his search for the Mother Box. With the Mother Box in the hands of Steppenwolf, Arthur is about to leave, but Mera convinced a reluctant Arthur to listen to her. Arthur shows his bitterness at his mother for leaving him, mockingly saying "what a saint" when Mera noted Atlanna took her in and simply refers to how he believed he was abandoned by his mother without a second thought from the Queen of Atlantis, but Mera revealed to Arthur how much it hurt his mother, too, left him behind and she only did it to save his life. Clearly affected, Arthur was finally convinced to retrieve the Mother Box from Steppenwolf when Mera noted how he is no longer a defenseless child and it is what his mother would've done, but with her gone, it was now his responsibility. His change of heart caused Arthur to finally make up his mind and asked for the Atlantean armor before going after Steppenwolf.

Arthur hides his insecurities and troubled past behind a tough intimidating attitude, choosing to alienate himself from others and almost never showing any sympathy towards anyone. However, he can be more relaxed and friendly around those he trusts and is close to, such as his father and Mera. Despite his somewhat gloomy and fearsome exterior, however, Arthur is ultimately a selfless and compassionate person, indicated by him frequenting an Icelandic fishing village during the winter in order to feed its hungry inhabitants with fish. He is later seen saving an unconscious fisherman found along the shore, bringing him into the shelter of a local pub in the village. However, he casually shrugged it off by stating that his drinks would be on the fisherman. He also notably made it his priority to keep the innocent civilians of Sicily out of harm's way when fighting Black Manta. Arthur also showed compassion towards his half-brother Orm, whom he refused to kill despite the multiple atrocious actions Orm had committed. He also showed guilt over letting David Kane's father die and leading him to become the Black Manta.


  •  Hybrid physiology - Due to his half-Atlantean high-born heritage, Aqualord has incredible superhuman abilities, that surpass most other Atlanteans, deemed as the most developed traits of all Atlanteans, with only other high-born Atlanteans equaling his genetic attributes. He is also one of the most powerful members of the Justice League, only surpassed by Supersister and Wonder Woman. He is also the only member to technically be "both a human and a god."[8] Newspapers collected by Doctor Stephen Shin refer to Aqualord as the "underwater Supersister."
    •  Superhuman strength - Arthur's incredible strength allowed him to easily master other creatures such as other trained elite humans, other Atlanteans, Parademons and Trench monsters. He is also able to break through metal doors and destroy it with his own hands. As such, Aqualord destroyed an undersea NSA aircraft with a single blow of his trident, effortlessly broke David Kane's sword, mastered Kane's pirate crew on a submarine, and defeated many armored Men of War soldiers, Parademons, and Trench monsters. Aqualord's strength also extends to his ability to jump great distances. Aqualord was able to intercept an immense, falling bell before it could crush a girl and defeated the armored Black Manta after a prolonged duel, managing to attract Manta by expelling Black Manta's electric harpoon and throwing chains that were tied to large stones to destroy his helmet and finely make Manta street by a precipice. Aqualord was also able to stay in combat and sometimes beat his brother Orm during his first duel, although he eventually lost because he had no practice fighting in the water, and finally by taking his brother Orm to his element, on the surface, in his final battle he was able to defeat him. Aqualord also used his legs to prevent a massive tylosaurus from closing its mouth and forced six Atlantean guards to fight to hold its chains to contain it. Aqualord was also able to fight against the powerful Steppenwolf, managing to send the huge New God to fly with a blow from his quindent and prevent him from reaching Cyborg by pulling the Lasso of Hestia with the Wonder Woman. The immense strength of Aqualord is only surpassed or equalled by Steppenwolf, Karathen, Wonder Woman, Orm and Supersister.
    •  Superhuman durability - Aqualord possesses incredible physical durability, including resistance to sharp blades, powerful explosions (on par with a 40mm grenade fired by Jesse Kane, falling from great heights (such as when he and Mera jumped into the ancient Kingdom of defectors), explosions of hand grenades, small arms and tremendous pressures underwater (with him managing to swim across the Kingdom of the Trench, and reach the Hidden Sea, without pain). Aqualord also resisted numerous blows from his half-brother Orm, Black Manta, and the Men-of-War soldiers, although Aqualord was stunned when Murk struck him with a power armor assisted punch. Aqualord survives many powerful blows from considerably stronger opponents, such as the New God Steppenwolf, the monstrous Karathen, and even a blow from the resurrected Supersister himself (although that too severely stunned him). However, it's possible he is vulnerable to armor-piercing ammunition, given his tendency to avoid rifle or shotgun fire. In addition, Aqualord is vulnerable to extreme heat, since he was burned by the plasma beams from Black Manta, and when Orm saw that Aqualord and Mera's ship was falling in a puddle of molten lava, he believed they were dead. Still, Aqualord is still able to stand on the battlefield after receiving extreme physical punishment, which demonstrates his incredible durability after being injured.
    •  Regenerative healing factor - Aqualord can heal from wounds at considerable superhuman rates, quicker than most other Atlanteans, as he survived many critical stabs while the Fisherman King died after one stab from Orm. After the serious injuries sustained from battling Black Manta, while requiring treatment from Mera, it only required a few hours to fully heal with no signs of lingering damage. He also appears to have a very high tolerance to alcohol, as he was hardly drunk after a whole day of drinking with his father (who was barely able to walk as a result of the amount of alcohol he consumed).
    •  Superhuman speed - Aqualord is superhumanly fast, being able to move faster than Batman and pin him to a wall before Batman could react, as well as fight against the mighty Steppenwolf and parry all of his attacks.
    •  Superhuman reflexes - While not on par with the likes of Flash and Supersister, Aqualord's reflexes are still superhuman. He can catch a quindent thrown at him moments before it hit him, catch enemy blades swung at him, and dodged a second grenade launched at him.
    •  Superhuman agility - Aqualord has a superhuman level of agility and coordination, able to dodge vicious attacks from skilled warriors like Steppenwolf, Orm, and Black Manta with great efficiency and still maintain enough control to counterattack. The also lets him support himself on speeding vehicles like the Batmobile.
    •  Superhuman stamina - Aqualord is able to endure prolonged battles and adventures without tiring, even against the most dangerous of situations like the Steppenwolf and the numerous Parademons, Steppenwolf.
    •  Superhuman senses - Aqualord possesses enhanced senses to help him better navigate underwater.
    •  Enhanced vision - Aqualord's vision lets him see in the darker environment of the sea, as his eyes reflect all available light, giving them a distinct sheen in darkness.[6] From his perspective, the seemingly dark environment of Atlantis is brightly lit, with the vivid and vibrant flora and fauna of the sea being as clear as though he were on land.
    •  Amphibious adaptation - As a high-born half-Atlantean, Aqualord can survive both on land and in underwater environments for as long as he desires with no hindrance to his performance, unlike most Atlanteans.
    •  Aquatic respiration - Due to his high-born Atlantean heritage, Aqualord is able to breathe both on lands and underwater, thereby meriting his superhero nickname.[6] This also allows him to clearly talk underwater with others as if he was above water.
    •  Marine telepathy - Aqualord is able to telepathically interact with sea life, and can induce them to ally with him, causing his eyes to glow golden. Indeed, according to the Karathen, Aqualord is the first Atlantean since Atlan himself to possess this ability. He first manifested this as a young child, when defending himself against two bullies. He could also communicate with the monstrous Karathen, much to the creature's surprise. After gaining the Trident of Atlan, Aqualord's powers of marine communication were boosted, granting him control over every oceanic creature on Earth, including the savage Trench (a feat that previously was considered impossible). It even allowed him to persuade the Karathen to battle alongside him in the Kingdom of the Brine.
    •  Hydrokinesis - Aqualord, as the heir of Atlan, can control water, though he has less experience with this ability than Mera. While under the docks of Gotham City, Aqualord was able to hold off a torrent of water from drowning the Justice League, and later created a barrier of water to protect him from Ocean Master's attacks during the War for Atlantis. After claiming the Trident of Atlan, Aqualord's control of water was considerably increased to allow him to generate and control massive tidal waves. Aqualord was able to use his hydrokinesis to push a submarine over his head, pushing it quickly to the surface without tension. While in water, Aqualord can generate an immense propulsive force, allowing him to swim at very high speeds of at least Mach 4.6, This propulsion is strong enough that it can cause a "sonic boom" effect. This action can also propel himself from the water and onto the surface and can travel the ocean faster than any naval vessel, thus quickly intercepting a Russian submarine.


  •  Gifted intelligence – In contrast to his loutish personality, Arthur is well versed in the finer arts of knowledge and literature. His father had taught him many of the fundamental historical facts of human history as he was growing up, as well as learning more and more about the world and its various intrigues along his travels across the globe with Vulko as well as his own experiences.
  •  Expert literarian – Aqualord is well-read and occasionally refers to works of literature, such as Friedrich Schiller's William Tell to Batman ("Strong man is strongest alone."), Herman Melville's Moby Dick to an Icelandic fisherman ("Whiskey. And one for Ahab there."), and one of Jules Verne's poems when describing the extremely unlikelihood of his parents' relationship ("Put two ships in the open sea without wind or tide, they will come together.").
  •  Multilingualism – Aqualord is fluent in various dialects ranging (but most likely not limited) to English, Icelandic, Russian, Maori, Spanish, and Italian.
  •  Master combatant – Having been trained by Nuidis Vulko from a very young age, Aqualord is an extremely skilled fighter, both in armed combat and melee, whether it be above or in water. However, Vulko noted that Aqualord's years of surface combat have dulled his water combat prowess, making him less capable in such combat. He likewise has been taught very advanced combat techniques. His skill is able to defeat entire groups of highly trained Atlantean soldiers, human pirates, and Parademons, even fend off entire armies with relative ease. Aqualord could also hold his ground against his extremely skilled brother Orm for some time despite Orm's particular expertise in underwater combat and was ultimately able to defeat him in their final fight. When fighting the armored Black Manta, Aqualord was able to contend with and even ultimately outmatch him despite his use of Atlantean blades while Aqualord himself was unarmed and having been severely injured prior to coming out victorious. He was even capable of holding his own against the considerably stronger Steppenwolf repeatedly, once briefly pushing him back when having him off-guard in their first fight before getting subdued, later on managing to outfight him when he was injured quickly, as well as managing to injure the New God alongside Wonder Woman.
  •  Trident mastery – Having been trained by Nuidis Vulko, Aqualord has become extremely skilled in battling with a trident, using one to defeat hordes of Parademons and faceoff against Steppenwolf wielding his axe and later on when fighting Orm for the throne, holding his ground against both opponents despite ultimately losing and besting his brother in their final duel. As per Vulko's training, Aqualord can employ a rare combat move, performing a rapidly-spinning with his trident so fiercely that it became a blur, which upon doing so will repel all attacks attempting to penetrate this trident defence. Indeed, after seeing Aqualord employ this move to win against Orm in their second duel, all Atlanteans, Xebellians, Fishermen, and Brine present accepted him as the new King of Atlantis, and the Seven Kingdoms thus swore allegiance to King Arthur.
  •  Sword mastery – While Aqualord rarely uses swords in combat, he was trained by Nuidis Vulko to be an exceptionally skilled swordsman. With his skill, Aqualord was able to seamlessly disarm a Man-of-War soldier of the latter's sword and used the sword to defeat him and the other attack soldiers.
  •  Expert marksman – With his trident, Aqualord has immensely proficient marksmanship. He can strike down several Parademons with a single throw. Aqualord was notably able to throw it after being launched forward by Cyborg, spearing a distant Parademon in the chest from a considerable distance away.
  •  Master swimmer – Aqualord, like all Atlanteans, is an extremely skilled swimmer, though Nuidis Vulko had to train him to swim like an Atlantean as well, with Arthur thus learning to quickly propel himself from water, like a dolphin.


  •  Trident of Atlan - Arthur currently possesses the Trident of Atlan as the new ruler of the underwater kingdom, Atlantis.
  •  Atlanna's trident - Aquaman's first weapon, it once belonged to his mother Atlanna, former Queen of Atlantis, who left him the trident after her departure. This weapon is extremely durable and capable to cause serious injury to even powerful beings, such as the new god Steppenwolf. In addition, the trident is also able to help Aquaman control water, with him notably holding off the torrential force of a wave by repelling it with the trident. The trident seemingly appears to somewhat enhance Aquaman's speed while underwater, causing a massive shockwave of force as he fled from the NSA's UUV drones.
  •  Aqualord's suit - After having found the Trident of Atlan, Arthur took the attire of Atlan, as the new bearer of the trident. This suit includes pants, boots and green gloves and the shirt that covers the chest and abs of bright golden color. Later, he started using the suit as his heroic alter-ego, "AquaLord."
  •  Atlantean armor - After Steppenwolf's invasion of Atlantis, Aquaman donned an ancient suit of Atlantean armor to face the New God and his army of Parademons.
  •  Arthur's gladiator armor - During his battle with Orm, for the throne of Atlantis, Arthur took part in a duel, which also included a helmet to protect his skull. After escaping from Atlantis, he stopped wearing the armor.
  •  Tridents - Transformation Device

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Medical Information

Name: Arthur Curry
Age: 39
Birthday: January 29, 1979
Gender: Female



17/20 (Search)
17/20 (Acting)
9/20 (Scrounging)
11/20 (Programming)
13/20 (Cooking)
11/20 (Climbing)
13/20 (Hiking)
13/20 (Driving)
12/20 (Riding)
14/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


14/20 (Savoir-Faire)
9/20 (Observation)
11/20 (Gesture)
11/20 (Verbal)
12/20 (Carousing)
10/20 (Diplomacy)
11/20 (Interrogation)
19/20 (Patience)


11/20 (Hacking)
9/20 (Stealth)
16/20 (Fast-Talk)
14/20 (Streetwise)
9/20 (Forced Entry)
9/20 (Lockpicking)
9/20 (Pickpocket)
9/20 (Holdout)
8/20 (Disguise)


11/20 (Throwing)
10/20 (Axe)
10/20 (Mace)
10/20 (Broadsword)
9/20 (Knife)
10/20 (Shortsword)
10/20 (Staff)
11/20 (Beam Weapons)
10/20 (Bow)
11/20 (Crossbow)
11/20 (Small Guns)
10/20 (Heavy Weapons)


9/20 (Boxing)
17/20 (Brawling)
9/20 (Karate)
15/20 (Coporia)
9/20 (Karatmancy)
9/20 (Judo)
10/20 (Sumo)
9/20 (Wrestling)

