Barry Allen


When Barry was a boy, his parents' relationship wasn't going well, and while he prepared to participate in a spelling bee at school, his mother Nora was struggling to encourage him despite working double shifts and trying to get a divorce from his father Henry. He received the divorce papers on the day of the spelling bee, and because Nora had to work, he seethed and took Barry to school. When Nora returned from work, she was happy to see that her son had won the competition, but she was obligated to speak to Henry about their relationship, and so Barry was sent to the bookstore in the meantime. By the time Barry returned, however, his mother had been murdered, and his father had been placed under arrest, though he professed his innocence.

Fortunately, Darryl Frye, who had secretly been involved romantically with Nora, pulled some strings and was able to take Barry in. For years, Barry visited his father in prison, promising to look over all of the evidence of his mother's murder case until he found a way to prove his innocence.

As an adult, Barry's life of searching for answers about his mother lead him to becoming a forensic scientist for the Central City Police Department. Because the years in prison had worn on him, Henry gave up hope, broke down in tears, and admitted to his son that he had committed the crime. The shock of realizing that all of his efforts had been for nothing depressed Barry. On the night of a storm, Barry angrily tore his lab apart. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning crashed through his lab's window and struck him in the chest, causing him to drop the chemical vials he was carrying and douse himself.

After a 4 month long months in a coma after the accident, Barry woke with super-speed abilities. Inspired by Darryl's example, Barry decided to take on a symbol for himself and fight for good. He created the ring that held his specially designed costume and became known as the Flash, the fastest man alive.


As Barry would quickly learn being the Flash had its draw backs, while he had the speed using it fel like he was coming apart at the seems. He need a way to mitigate the strein the Speed Force was putting on his body and inspired by the rise of all the new Magical Girls appearing he used his contacts in the police to locate Giovanni "John" Zatara, a skilled magician and together they created the flash Ring, but there was a cost to using this power, every time Barry activated the ring he would become a woman.



  •  Speed Force Conduit – After Barry was struck by a bolt of lightning and doused with chemicals, it created the Speed Force - a mysterious cosmic force that pushes time and space itself forward. As it does this, the Speed Force creates excess energy that builds up and needs to be released. The Flash is effectively the Speed Force's release valve. When Barry uses his powers, he taps into that built up energy and expends it. Barry is a master of the science of the Speed Force. He has also stated that he can evolve when it comes to the terms of his powers. Barry's connection to the Speed Force even remained intact when traveling to universe that don't have the Speed Force.
    •  Superhuman Speed – Barry is capable of moving at incredible superhuman speeds. While running, he can only be perceived as a blur. He is far faster than Supersister and Supergirl, and was fast enough to repair an entire city without anyone realizing he ever left the room. He's so fast in fact time seems to slow down around him, making him appear to be invisible to others within their relative time frame. Barry has even shown he can clear out the entire population of Tokyo (around 38 million people) in only 30 seconds. Barry has also moved fast enough to that of the Shade's shadows, which move at the speed of darkness (speed of light) appeared frozen in time. Deadman has stated that Barry isn't an easy person to keep up with. Barry's speed also allows him to utilize superhuman force, which he can channel to simulate superhuman strength, such as when he easily crashed and broke through a wall made of steel or rushing an alien gladiator and sending him flying a few feet off the ground, when he was not looking. Barry's so fast that even when time is frozen around him, he's still capable of moving. Barry often holds back his speed out of fear of tearing a hole in time and space itself. He also holds back his true potential because he realized, even though he could change the world with his speed. He could never truly be a part of it, for a second feels like days, every breath people take or a meaningful glance lingers for a lifetime, and a moment of regret... is an eternity, for him. According to Supersister, he can think 3 moves ahead of most people, except for Barry and Wally themselves, and Supersister can move as fast as and react to an attosecond. Barry is one of the two fastest beings on the planet alongside Wally West, though he is still slower than him.
    •  Superhuman Reflexes – Barry's reaction time is augmented to superhuman levels. His great reflexes have allowed him to perform feats such as dodging lightning. His body sends pain messages to his brain at such a velocity that the femtosecond he feels something, he will react.
    •  Superhuman Stamina – Barry's body can handle the stress of moving at superhuman speeds for long periods of time without out getting tired or weak. After being pricked by one of Poison Ivy's toxic thorns, he ran at supersonic speed for more than a day, just to keep the toxin from metabolizing into his bloodstream. Even after running in circles for days non-stop, to keep the toxin from taking over; Barry still had enough stamina to run back and rescue Black Bat. Barry can maintain a state of vibrating his molecules for hours on end, even without gravity, before passing out.
    •  Superhuman Agility – Barry's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to superhuman levels. This allows him to easily maneuver and leap far distances while moving at superhuman speed.
    •  Superhuman Strength – The Speed Force enhances Barry's strength to levels greater than any normal human. He carried the Statue of Mercury, from Central City all the way back to Corto Maltese. Flash is strong enough to smash through a metal wall of a subway train. Barry was also strong enough to hurl Wally West across a street and into a building, while moving at super speed, as well as pull a van that was carrying ten people, while running at super speed. Barry was also able to easily snap Captain Boomerang's metal boomerangs, just by using his hands.
    •  Speed Force Aura – The Flash's body is surrounded by a "friction cushion", a field of kinetic absorbent energy that protects him and anyone who is running with or carried by him from the rigorous effects of using his speed. Including friction, airborne particulate matter, heavy impacts, G-Force and the like.
    •  Superhuman Durability – Thanks to his protective Speed Force aura, Barry is capable of resisting tremendous kinetic impact forces that could easily crush or kill a human, without suffering any serious external or internal injuries. He was able to hit Gorilla Grodd with enough to force to shatter his own armor, and strike Supersister hard enough to send him crashing through a wall, both while without sustaining any injury to himself.
    •  Accelerated Healing – Barry can heal much faster than any regular human. His arm healed within minutes of it being crushed. He was also able to quickly heal from the "bone crushing pressure" and "antagonizing trauma" of being 2,000 feet below the ocean, which dealt extreme damage to his body.
    •  Aerokinesis – By rotating his arms at super speed or running in a circular motion, Barry can create strong vortexes of wind. He has also used the slipstream of airflow created by his speed to draft millions of gallons of water behind him to keep a small village from flooding, and pull two 600-ton barges behind him.He even managed to save a train from jumping off the tracks by creating a slipstream to carry and cushion it, right before creating a vortex to make it stop. Hawkman stated that when Barry and Wally ran around the world at immense speed, they created winds stronger than he had ever felt over all of his lives.
    •  Dimensional Travel – When Barry approaches the speed of light he may create dimensional breaches to the Speed Force that he calls "time rifts". These breaches create vortexes that pull things into and out of the timeline, with every step closer to light speed increasing the risk. If Barry runs at light speed he may reach critical mass and open a portal into the Speed Force itself. Using his Speed Mind also enables him to willingly enter and exit the Speed Force, for as Solovar once said "The mind will always be faster". Barry was also able to run into the Negative Speed Force alongside Eobard Thawne.
    •  Electrokinesis – Barry is able to generate and manipulate the electrical energy he draws from the Speed Force. The heat from Barry's lightning creates a thermal expansion that allows Barry's suit to be stored in his ring. By focusing the lightning in his hands, Barry is able to enhance his strikes, generate lightning to provide people with warmth, as well as electrocute people on contact. When generated at high volumes, Barry's Speed Force energy is powerful enough to disrupt the Green and the Microverse, and even Magic, as well as easily destroy Green Lantern constructs on contact.
    •  Electro-Blast – By focusing his frequency, Barry can turn his body into a lightning rod, in order to build up a Speed Force charge and redirect it. By doing this, he can project bolts of lightning from his hands. Barry was also able to forcefully discharge a large burst of lightning from his body to knock back Professor Zoom.
    •  Electromagnetism – Due to his electrical abilities, Barry possesses some level of manipulation over magnetism, which he uses to control his suit's armor. Every time Barry releases his suit from his ring, the pieces of it are conducted by his lightning to form the suit around him. He can also use his control over magnetism to mentally manipulate the pieces that form his mask and cause them to unravel on command. Barry can also use his lightning to create electromagnetic fields.
    •  Energy Transformation – When using excess amounts of Speed Force energy, Barry enters a supercharged state where he essentially becomes pure energy. A state known as Super Flash, as defined by Pied Piper. While in this state, Barry's powers are heightened.
    •  Light Projection – Barry is able to generate blinding amounts of light through his Speed Force lightning.
    •  Speed Force Absorption – By interlocking energy currents, Barry can drain away the Speed Force or Negative Speed Force, from speedsters who's DNA has not completely bonded to the Speed Force, or other energy sources, such as a Speed Force storm. Though if the one the Speed Force is being stolen from resists, they may be killed, unless the energy is distributed among multiple people. When drained of his Speed Force energy by Daniel West, Barry was able to directly absorb it back.
    •  Speed Force Negation – By interlocking his Speed Force energy currents with another speedster, Barry is able to temporarily short circuit the other speedsters power.
    •  Enhanced Mental Process – By tapping into the Speed Force with his brain, Barry can eliminate the natural bottle-necking of information, that occurs due to the limits of human physiology. Because of this, Barry can think exponentially faster than any normal human, and possesses superhuman mental processing. Barry's mind moves so fast that he is heavily resistant to mind control and possesses some resistance to other psychic attacks, because of this. According to Supersister, he can think 3 moves ahead of most people, except for Barry and Wally themselves.
    •  Speed Mind – By tapping into the Speed Force with his brain, Barry has the ability to tactically assess and predict the numerous possible and probable outcomes of most any given situation. By playing advanced variable examinations within his head he can simulate a quick pre-play sequence of a number of causes, effects and inevitable outcomes at an accelerated rate. Barry's speed mind has also allowed him to instantly learn to operate a Green Lantern Ring. Barry can even use the Speed Mind to send his consciousness into the Speed Force to check other timelines, as well.
    •  Enhanced Senses – The Speed Force grants Barry enhanced senses that allow him to perceive the world at a rate attuned his reaction speed. He can feel the slightest changes in air pressure around him, as well as electromagnetic pulses, in objects such as glass. He can also sense the whereabouts of other Speed Force conduits, by using their connection as a homing beacon and track them.
    •  Enhanced Vision – Barry was able to vibrate his eyes fast enough in order to "see" the type of hard energy that the monster constructs he was fighting, were made of. Barry also has an expanded sight/seeing range, anything that falls within this seeing range he can see instantaneously from, this means he can see things before the light from them reaches the pupil of his eye. While vibrating at super speed, he even managed to see Golden Glider who appeared invisible to everyone else. Barry can watch camera video feed in fast forward, what may look like a blur to most people, Barry can see each individual image go by frame for frame. Due to his powers, Barry can also see supernatural beings that remain invisible to most people.
    •  Speed Force Empathy – The Speed Force grants Barry an empathetic connection to other conduits of the Speed Force, allowing Barry to sense their emotions.
    •  Speed Force Sight – The Speed Force will sometimes give Barry visions of the future as well as tidbits of information in regards to what's coming next. The visions are fast but largely incoherent, piecing together bits and pieces of random upcoming events that have yet to happen while also depicting instants mirroring what led up to various continuity reboots. One of the dangers of this power however, causes acute mental destabilization with each burst of insight; after having a second blast of possible future outcomes making him psychologically unstable.
    •  Molecular Acceleration – Barry can vibrate his own molecular structure at varying degrees for a number of purposes, by adjusting to different frequencies. As he does that to a high enough degree he causes things to explode. When possessed by the vengeful ghost of the Keystone Killer, Allen was able to turn the tables by adjusting his frequency in order to contain his essence instead. Flash can vibrate so fast as he vibrated 10,000 vibrations per second to destroy a mirror monster created by Mirror Master.
    •  Intangibility – By accelerating his molecular frequency to a high enough degree, Barry can make his body intangible and allow projectiles to pass through him. Flash can use this ability to bypass dangers, such as explosions.
    •  Phasing – By vibrating his molecules on an atomic level, and by doing so at just the right frequency, he can allow himself to become momentarily intangible, and phase through objects.
    •  Invisibility – When vibrating at super speed Barry can render his body unseen by most people.
    •  Thermokinesis – Barry can use his vibrations to generate heat, especially when it comes to thawing people out of ice or just warming people up.
    •  Sharing the Force – Barry is able to use the Speed Force to "lend" velocity to objects or people already in motion. Barry may lend his speed and angular momentum to another object or person. This may allow others to run alongside with the Flash. Barry did this with Wally West by "locking" him with his speed so time appeared frozen so they could talk without worrying about being attacked.
    •  Speed Steal: Barry admits that he can steal speed from others, but he needs to be in close range in order to do it. When infected by the Negative Speed Force, Barry stole all of Reverse-Flash's speed.
    •  Time Acceleration – During one of his battles with Professor Zoom, Barry realized that his powers are also connected to the flow of time and that he can move it forward, which allows Barry to speed up time. By speeding up time, Barry was able to negate Zoom's power to slow time. In this instance, this power caused Barry's lightning to turn white. After using the Speed Force to connect with every living being on the planet, Barry was able to speed up time a few seconds into the future and bring everyone with him, in order to defeat the Turtle.
    •  Time Travel – Barry can use his speed to travel throughout the time stream. While originally needing the cosmic treadmill to time travel, as of his battle with Zoom, Barry is able to time travel without it. Barry has also raced along the borders of hypertime, the part of the time stream where overarching and interconnected web of timelines and realities exist. Because of Barry's ability to travel through time, he has the power to potentially alter the timeline, as he had previously changed it on his own power, during the Flashpoint.
  •  Retrocognition – Barry has shown on multiple occasions that he is able to remember certain events erased from his mind. He was able to remember Wally West when he reached out to Barry though the Speed Force, despite his memories of Wally being erased. He was also able to remember his pre-flashpoint history with Eobard Thawne.


  •  Acrobatics
  •  Chemistry
  •  Criminology – Barry graduated from college with a degree in forensic science.
  •  Disguise
  •  Firearms
  •  Forensic Pathology
  •  Genius Level Intellect – Barry possesses a great knowledge of chemistry and forensic sciences. Barry admitted to having once controlled his mass through vibration to allow the laws of gravity to kick in while hurtling toward space even though he was almost blacked out from oxygen loss because he realized he had reached escape velocity. Despite having unique speed, Barry is not above coming up with a plan and/or investigating about a situation ahead of time, before prompting into a fight.
  •  Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced) – Due to him having police training and being trained by Princess Wonder. Barry became a skilled hand-to-hand combatant.
  •  Indomitable Will – Barry possesses enough willpower to operate a Green Lantern Ring.
  •  Investigation – Barry is a master detective, even Black Bat couldn't tell who was the better detective between the two of them. Supersister has stated that Barry is one of the best CSIs and Detectives in the world. He can easily start to paint a picture of a crime scene before even running any tests. Barry was the only one to figure out how to save Simon Baz, when his Green Lantern Ring was infected with the Genie A.I., after Princess Wonder gave him an idea of how to stop Simon. He managed to deduce the location of where several missing children were held at, when trying to solve a child abduction case. He even helped Cyborg sleuth an entire crime scene to scan for any traces of DNA only to come up with nothing.
  •  Stealth
  •  Weaponry --> Swordsmanship – Barry fought alongside the Justice League when they were forced to fight in Mongul's tournament, with a flail and shield. During his time in Iron Heights, Barry temporarily lost his powers and was forced to rely on the Rogues' own weapons to survive and protect others. Barry also once stole a pair of Eskrima Sticks from members of the Mob Rule and blitzed the horde with them. Barry made use of an axe and a short sword before breaking them, when fighting against the champion of the House Priscus. The Flash was also able to keep up with Deathstroke in a sword fight.


  •  Power Instability – According to Nightwing, the Flash needs room to operate while in a hand-to-hand battle. When an opponent gets in close, Barry's blows are so fast, they could start to land on his own body.
  •  Vulnerability to Dimensional Bursts – Amanda Waller stated that the Speed Force which fuel Barry Allen's powers can be disrupted by a potent enough extradimensional energy burst. She selected Cisco Ramone as a member of the counter league task force to oppose the Justice League to work against the Flash, as Vibe's powers could disrupt his connection to the force in various ways. This was confirmed to be true as when last they fought, Barry had permanently lost some of his speed due to Vibe's attack.
  •  Vulnerability to Extreme Temperatures – If Barry is shot, hit, or falls for a trap that includes extreme temperatures of hot or cold. It can affect his durability and/or nullify his Speed Force abilities.
  •  Vulnerability to Heat
  •  Vulnerability to Cold
  •  Vulnerability to EMP – If Barry becomes trapped in containment cell that involves an electromagnetic pulse, he will be unable to vibrate out to escape.


  •  Flash's Costume Ring
  •  Flash Ring - Transformation Device

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Medical Information

Name: Barry Allen
Age: 361
Birthday: Feburary 19, 1657
Gender: Male



17/20 (Search)
17/20 (Acting)
9/20 (Scrounging)
11/20 (Programming)
13/20 (Cooking)
11/20 (Climbing)
13/20 (Hiking)
13/20 (Driving)
12/20 (Riding)
14/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


14/20 (Savoir-Faire)
9/20 (Observation)
11/20 (Gesture)
11/20 (Verbal)
12/20 (Carousing)
10/20 (Diplomacy)
11/20 (Interrogation)
19/20 (Patience)


11/20 (Hacking)
9/20 (Stealth)
16/20 (Fast-Talk)
14/20 (Streetwise)
9/20 (Forced Entry)
9/20 (Lockpicking)
9/20 (Pickpocket)
9/20 (Holdout)
8/20 (Disguise)


11/20 (Throwing)
10/20 (Axe)
10/20 (Mace)
10/20 (Broadsword)
9/20 (Knife)
10/20 (Shortsword)
10/20 (Staff)
11/20 (Beam Weapons)
10/20 (Bow)
11/20 (Crossbow)
11/20 (Small Guns)
10/20 (Heavy Weapons)


9/20 (Boxing)
17/20 (Brawling)
9/20 (Karate)
15/20 (Coporia)
9/20 (Karatmancy)
9/20 (Judo)
10/20 (Sumo)
9/20 (Wrestling)

