Masamune Dan


It is not often a person gets a second chance, a do over on life. At the end of the battle when Japan decimated and him barely holding onto sanity while fused with Gamedeaus Masamune Dan was gifted the chance to combine his powers with those of Man of the Beginning, Kamen Rider Gaim, and reset the clock beyond the limits of Kamen Rider Chronicle. He agreed seeing nothing worth saving and turned back the hands of time.

Life on Repeat

Unable to prevent the death of his wife Masamune tried to temple the burgeoning insanity in his son by instructing him to an old enemy Lexx Allolia who over time grew to be like brother and sister, but when the Y2K infection hit he still infected himself to build the ultimate anti body and orchestrated things so that Lexx as well would be infected with her own creation turning her into a bugster but retaining her mind. Dan’s work on fighting the virus lead to a Bugster Vaccine which was then injected into a young Hojo Emu to give birth later to not the Bugster Parad but the Vaccine Roimude Parad. Though he is unaware of the subtle differences between him and traditional Bugsters.

Bugsters Rise

Like the original timeline Masamune took the blame for the Zero Day outbreak, it seemed while Lexx tempered Kuroto his madness would still surface and lead to Zero Day. Now in Prison Masamune Dan waits for events to unfold to take the next step in preventing the End Game though the arrival of the Power Player has thrown a wrinkle into his plans, they should not exist as Kuroto is no where close to completing Kamen Rider Chronicle.

Cold and calculating as well as being a prodigious actor, Masamune Dan wears whatever face best suits his needs.

Powers & Abilities

  •  Original Bugster Virus – Being another Patient Zero, one of the two first persons to be infected of the Bugster virus before Zero Day, Masamune had hosted the virus for a prolonged period of time, causing the virus to fuse with and alter his DNA, thus granting him Rider and possibly even Bugster-like powers and abilities that by standard, requires external intervention to acquire.
  •  Natural Game Disease Immunity – Like Emu, Masamune can utilize any Gashat accessed Drivers like the Buggle Driver II and Rider Gashats without the need of the compatibility surgery. Also, his immunity is absolute, unlike the other Riders' acquired immunity which can still be overwhelmed by a large dose of Bugster virus, as explained by Ren/Lovrica that normal humans with compatibility surgery would have lost their lives should they try to use the Buggle Driver II.
  •  Data Restore – He can enter Game World (Originally, only Bugster could), and retrieve the data of patients, who had been taken over completely by the virus by inserting the respective Proto Gashat used to infect them into the Buggle Driver II. He can wipe out the revived data as well.
  •  Weather Manipulation – He can easily turn day into night (or vice versa) in his civilian form. He can also control various weathers, but the reason behind this ability is unknown, possibly a variant of the Stage Select function.
  •  Stealth Mode – Through unknown means, Masamune was able to slip through tight security and steal a briefcase of Proto Gashats that the Ministry of Health had kept.
  •  Time Manipulation – As Cronus, the Sanctions Effector on Masamune's Lung Lifeguard breastplate has a built-in Time Executor which allows him to manipulate time within a Game Area. The Cronoblade Shoulder armor enables Cronus to be unaffected by his own temporal manipulation. However, it is possible to render this ability ineffective by destroying the large clock that often appears around Masamune, thus cancelling the ability.
    •  Pause and Restart – Using the Buggle Driver II, Cronus presses both A and B buttons to pause time for his advantage. Any being killed during a time freeze, even a perfected Bugster, cannot be revived through any means.
    •  Reset – By utilizing the power of the Bugster virus within him at maximum, Masamune can initiate a "Reset" by seperating the Bugvisor II from the Bugster Buckle II, pressing and holding the B button like a remote, reversing the game's progress to an earlier point. In the first instance where he used this ability successfully, the following took effect:
      •  Kamen Rider Chronicle Master Gashat was fixed.
      •  Hyper Muteki Gashat was erased from existence.
      •  Nico's Game Illness was undone.
      •  New Kuroto Dan's remaining Continues were restored to 94.
      •  The Gamer Drivers and Gashats he had stolen earlier were returned to their owners, while Proto Gashats stolen from him are returned to him.
      •  Graphite's adaptation to the Gamedeus Virus was weakened.
      •  Saki's data was recovered.

      In the second instance after all of Japan had been destroyed by Gamdaeus and Debug, and with the help of Man of the Begining Kazuraba Kouta, he was able to wipe everything after the death of his wife from existance and start fresh.
  •  Teleportation – As Cronus, Masamune is capable of teleportation as means of quick retreat. This ability is simillar with Bugster's teleportation.


  •  Bugsters – Since Kuroto was revived as a Bugster, he could enter his Buggle Driver II at his own free will and manage to manually cancel Cronus's 'Pause' ability. Though this requires Kuroto to receive a Game Over first in order to do so, and this plan was eventually ruined by a blackmailed Hiiro. However in theory if a Bugster had an Extra Life they could also do this.
  •  God Maximum Mighty X – Kamen Rider Genm can resist Cronus' time manipulation while using this Gashat, a feature that was previously unique to Hyper Muteki.
  •  Hyper Muteki – The Hyper Muteki Gashat, whether it is being used in the Gamer Driver's second slot or by Ex-Aid as Muteki Gamer, can resist Cronus' time manipulation.
  •  Save Item – If anyone uses this item, their progress of the game won't be affected by Cronus's Reset function. In fact, the function won't even work entirely if someone uses it.
  •  Level 1,024 – As shown in the old timeline when Lovlica returned any Bugster over Level 1,024 is immuse to Pause.
  •  Level 1,048,576 – Any Bugster over Level 1,048,576 is immuse to Reset.

  •  Bugvisor Zwei - Transformation Device
  •  Rider Gashats - Transformation Trinkets

: 1/10
: 3/10
: 9/10
: 9/10
: 9/10
: 2/10
: 10/10

Medical Information

Name: Masamune Dan
Age: 36
Birthday: [Redacted] 1980
Gender: Male



8/20 (Search)
11/20 (Acting)
8/20 (Scrounging)
14/20 (Programming)
14/20 (Cooking)
6/20 (Climbing)
14/20 (Hiking)
9/20 (Driving)
11/20 (Riding)
14/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


11/20 (Savoir-Faire)
8/20 (Observation)
14/20 (Gesture)
14/20 (Verbal)
14/20 (Carousing)
13/20 (Diplomacy)
14/20 (Interrogation)
18/20 (Patience)


14/20 (Hacking)
7/20 (Stealth)
14/20 (Fast-Talk)
11/20 (Streetwise)
9/20 (Forced Entry)
8/20 (Lockpicking)
7/20 (Pickpocket)
7/20 (Holdout)
11/20 (Disguise)


6/20 (Throwing)
5/20 (Axe)
5/20 (Mace)
6/20 (Broadsword)
6/20 (Knife)
6/20 (Shortsword)
6/20 (Staff)
11/20 (Beam Weapons)
6/20 (Bow)
6/20 (Crossbow)
7/20 (Small Guns)
6/20 (Heavy Weapons)


6/20 (Boxing)
6/20 (Brawling)
6/20 (Karate)
6/20 (Coporia)
6/20 (Karatmancy)
6/20 (Judo)
6/20 (Sumo)
6/20 (Wrestling)



TBA: +1


TBA: +1


Base Rider Diff: 10 (+/-2 per level)
