Petra Parker
i n a c t i v e

Early Life

Petra Parker grew up in Forest Hills, Queens, with her Uncle Mario and Aunt Benny. She was left with them after her real parents' death, knowing very little about them. She had a normal life, Her best friend was Marion James Watson, when they were 5 and decided to run away forever but weren't allowed to cross the street. She developed feelings for him when they got older. Like when they were 12 they tried to get "serious" with a kiss which ended badly, so they decided to simply remain friends, however they've shown to still retain some lingering feelings for each other in their later years, even admitting him to be the "dream boyfriend". When she went to school she was bullied by Flash Thompson, who liked to stuff her in a locker since childhood. In High School she befriended Harriette Osborn, the daughter of billionaire scientist Norma Osborn. She gave Petra a ride in her limousine one day while she was trapped out in the rain. They have been friends ever since.

The Spider Bite

At the age of 15 while attending a Midtown High field trip to Oscorp genetics lab Petra was bitten by a genetically altered radioactive spider. Young Petra Parker gained special abilities similar to those of a spider. She tried to use these new powers to make money via a wrestler career, and after her Aunt Benny was killed by a burglar she could have stopped hours later, she realized that with great power, comes great responsibility, and started using her abilities in a crime-fighting career as Spider-Girl. Petra held a number of Odd jobs to help support her Uncle and herself between High School and Super Heroing and despite all the bad press J. Joanna Jameson heaped against her she garners a large number of pretenders seeking to be "just like Spider-Girl." Souring her against teams and allies as she would prequently have to save predenders from getting themselves killed trying to imitate her heroics.

Great Power, Great Responsibility

After one year as vigilante, Spider-Girl's activities were the focus of attention of Nicole Fury, director of the secret task force S.H.I.E.L.D., and wanted to train Spider-Girl to make her a better hero, the "Ultimate Spider-Girl". She is confronted by Nicole Fury, after a horrendous battle against the Trapster near a bakery, which resulted in huge collateral damage. Petra joined a program for young superheroes along Iron Fist, Nova, White Tiger and Power Girl, while she continued her super hero career and attended to Midtown High.

Web Warriors

When the Green Goblin from the alternate universe of Earth-12041, Norman Osborn, came to get Spider-Girl's DNA, the Spider-Man from said universe arrived to save her. At first Spider-Girl didn't believe him and thought he was just a boy in a Spider-Girl suit but eventually Spider-Man convinced her. Meanwhile, Norman Osborn found Norma Osborn, this universe's version of the Green Goblin, and teamed up with her to defeat both Spider-Girl and Spider-Man. During a scuffle with the two webslingers, Norman was successful in getting a sample of Spider-Girl's DNA, and in return for Norma's help, he gave her a vial filled with the Goblin Formula. After drinking it, Norma transformed into a monstrous version of herself, fully becoming She-Goblin. She then once again attacks the two heroes, creating a diversion for Norman to escape. Toward the end of the battle, Norma witnessed as Spider-Girl ran out of web fluid and fell off of the Georgia Washington Bridge, with Spider-Man saving her at the last second with his webbing. They defeated Norma and Spider-Girl thanked Spider-Man for help. After that Spider-Man used the Siege Perilous and transported himself to another universe. Spider-Man later summoned Spider-Girl to Earth-12041 to defeat Spider-Goblin, who is Norman Osborn but transformed into a giant spider monster thanks to alternate universe Spider-Men's DNA. They defeated Spider-Goblin and Electro with a team work.

Contest of Champions

After some time as an active hero she was drawn into a battle royal run by The Beyonder, where she acidentially freed a Symbiote when tryingto get her costume repaired. After returnign to Earth and finding herself waking up places at night and being more agressive she saught Mrs. Fantasic who informed her the suit was actually a living Symbiote. Taking her Aunt Benny's words to heart she choose not to remove the symbiote and find a way to live and worth with it since she had already used its powers to benifit her and with great power must also come great responsability.

**The Siege Perilous**


Petra is smart mouthed, laid back, and a bit of a sexist, comming from a world where women are dominent so she is a bit dismissive of men.


     Spider-Physiology: After being bit by a genetically enhanced radioactive spider, Petra Parker has gained the capabilities of an arachnid. Not only is she physically superior to even the finest humans in speed, strength, and durability, but she can also stick to walls, and can respond before danger strikes her. Her powers include:
    •  Spider-Sense: Spider-Girl can sense impeding danger to her and friends close by.
    •  Enhanced Accuracy: She can judge extremely long distances amazingly accurately, gauging the strength needed to launch a projectile, in order to hit a target accurately.
    •  Enhanced Agility: She can preform feats of equilibrium/balance, dexterity/coordination, and flexibility beyond human potential.
    •  Enhanced Balance: Spidy has both extremely well developed sense of balance, the positioning of limbs and the center of balance as well as the physical condition to use these facts. This combination makes them almost impossible to being knocked down/imbalanced, falling down and able to recover from momentary imbalances near instantly.
    •  Enhanced Bite: The user has particularly strong bite due to retractable fangs.
    •  Enhanced Durability: Despite having limitations, Spidey is supernaturally resistant to physical damage.
    •  Enhanced Endurance: Spidy can endure physical stresses beyond the capabilities of the greatest humans enabling them to do things such as operating on a "low power setting" (being able to operate efficiently for extended amounts of time), holding their breath for large periods of time, remain calm through stressful or painful situations, tolerate extreme hunger, unbearable thirst, and strong urges to sleep.
    •  Enhanced Leap: Spidy can jump farther than average members of their species. They can leap farther than even the greatest human athlete. Impressive feats include being able to jump over large fences, clear big holes in the ground, jump from building top to building top, and etc.
    •  Enhanced Reflexes: Spidey can react/respond to things faster than normal.
    •  Enhanced Senses --> Seismic Sense: Spidy is able to pick up even the slightest vibrations through physical contact with the ground, enabling them to perceive their surroundings as precisely as normal sight. Users are able to sense the structure and materials of solid substances, including the presence of caves, material changes, structural weaknesses, etc.
    •  Enhanced Speed: Spider-Girl can run at speeds greater than the finest Olympic athlete.
    •  Enhanced Strength: Spider-Girl is capable of lifting about 20 tons. Granted this strength, he can lift objects such as semi-trucks, hit with superhuman force, and other feats of strength.
    •  Hibernation: Spidy can enter hibernation, a state of inactivity and metabolic depression/suppression characterized by low body temperature, slow breathing and heart rate, and low metabolic rate. User may be able to slow the metabolism to the point of effective death. The purpose of hibernation include conserving energy, safety reasons, healing, etc.
    •  Pheromone Generation: All spider people can secrete powerful pheromones that have a variety of effects on other spider people, all related to behavior.
    •  Predator Instinct: Spidy possesses predatory instincts, allowing them to become masters of hunting and tracking. One with this ability can discern numerous factors of a situation that make them a master of pursuit and capture. This includes what move a foe will make, where they are headed (if the user is in the foe’s proximity, or knows the foe fairly well), as well as how to effectively cause a foe to play right into one’s hands in combat/pursuit.
    •  Trapping Intuition: Spidy can create many different types of traps that are effective in different ways. Traps can range from trap holes, to arrows, to explosives, etc. This allows the user to get an advantage over others and place this in situations where even the brightest of minds would have trouble escaping their traps.
    •  Venom Secretion: Spidy possesses a powerful necrotic venom that is secreted by her fangs.
    •  Wallcrawling: She can crawl up any surface.
    •  Healing Factor: Spider-Girl's increased metabolism allows her to heal mild to moderate injuries at a faster pace than humans. However, catastrophic injuries, fatal wounds, damages to the vital organs will not heal.


  •  Genius Intelligence Level: She has far above average intelligence. Petra has an I.Q of around 145.
  •  Leadership: Petra can lead her team with charisma, ardor, and idealism.
  •  Expert Combatant: In combat situations, Spider-Girl makes use of a fighting style that relies on overwhelming strength and agility that has been dubed "Spider-Style Kung Fu".
  •  Medium Awareness: Spider-Girl can seemingly stop what is happening in a freeze-frame like fashion and talk directly with the audience. No one else seems to notice Spider-Man doing this other than Deadpool, who also has this ability.

     Web Shooters - Combat and Transportation Device  S.H.I.E.L.D. Communicator: A wrist communicator Spider-Girl uses to contact Nicole Fury or any of her S.H.I.E.L.D. teammates.
       Camouflage Mode: The com also has the function to turn itself invisible when not in use.
     Spider-Tracers: Spider-Girl uses small electronic "Spider-Tracers" of her own design that allow her to track objects or individuals by transferring signals to her communicator.

: 15/10
: 7/10
: 15/10
: 7/10
: 8/10
: 15/10
: 2/10

Medical Information

Name: Petra Parker
Age: 17
Birthday: August, 10 1995
Gender: Female



7/40 (Search)
7/40 (Acting)
7/40 (Scrounging)
11/40 (Programming)
16/40 (Cooking)
14/40 (Climbing)
18/40 (Hiking)
9/40 (Driving)
11/40 (Riding)
11/40 (First Aid/Medicine)


7/40 (Savoir-Faire)
7/40 (Observation)
11/40 (Gesture)
11/40 (Verbal)
10/40 (Carousing)
6/40 (Diplomacy)
10/40 (Interrogation)
11/40 (Patience)


11/40 (Hacking)
11/40 (Stealth)
10/40 (Fast-Talk)
7/40 (Streetwise)
9/40 (Forced Entry)
7/40 (Lockpicking)
11/40 (Pickpocket)
11/40 (Holdout)
7/40 (Disguise)


14/40 (Throwing)
13/40 (Axe)
13/40 (Mace)
13/40 (Broadsword)
12/40 (Knife)
13/40 (Shortsword)
13/40 (Staff)
10/40 (Beam Weapons)
13/40 (Bow)
14/40 (Crossbow)
10/40 (Small Guns)
10/40 (Heavy Weapons)


9/40 (Boxing)
14/40 (Brawling)
9/40 (Karate)
9/40 (Coporia)
9/40 (Karatmancy)
9/40 (Judo)
10/40 (Sumo)
9/40 (Wrestling)


Experienced: +2 (All roles)
Agility: +1d6
Defensive: Advantage
Durability: +1
Fighting: +1
Chemistry: +1d6
Programming: +1d6
Weaving: +2d6
