i n a c t i v e

Early Life



Powers & Abilities

  •  Teleportation - Just like any Bugsters, Neo has shown the ability to teleport himself with a green color glitch effect.
  •  Imortality – As a complete Bugster he will respawn stronger if killed.
  •  Feline Physiology - Power to use the abilities of Felines.
    •  Enhanced Athleticism - possesses athletic abilities beyond even the most dedicated training.
    •  Enhanced Agility - The ability to possess agility beyond that of peak human potential.
    •  Enhanced Durability - The power to sustain numerous blows of internal or external assaults.
    •  Enhanced Endurance - The ability to endure beyond the limits of peak human potential.
    •  Enhanced Senses - The power to possess extremely accurate senses.
    •  Enhanced Balance - has both extremely well developed sense of balance, the positioning of limbs and the center of balance as well as the physical condition to use these facts. This combination makes them almost impossible to being knocked down/imbalanced, falling down and able to recover from momentary imbalances near instantly. is able to perfectly balance on any object, no matter how narrow or unstable it may be.
    •  Prehensile Tail - Has a prehensile tail adapted to be able to grasp or hold objects. Fully prehensile tails can be used to hold and manipulate objects.
    •  Climbing - is able to climb and otherwise move effortlessly and smoothly on angled and/or vertical surfaces such as branches, rocks, walls, etc., as long as they can gain a hold of it and keep their balance.
      •  Wallrunning --> Climbing - can scale walls by walking or even running on them, provided users build up and maintain enough momentum to fuel their vertical ascension.
    •  Claw Extension - Has non retract razor-sharp claws of keratin, from their fingertips/feet for various (mostly offensive) purposes.
    •  Enhanced Bite - has a particularly strong bite, because of sharp fangs/teeth, Exactly what they can bite depends on the jaw-strength, resilience of their teeth/bite-surface and their shape.
    •  Night Vision - has has excellent night vision, the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness. Whether by biological or technological means, night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range.
    •  Enhanced Flexibility - is able to bend and twist their body beyond the normal limits of physiology, although still only from the joints. Their hypermobile joints, muscles, tendons and physiology in general allow the user perform near-boneless looking contortions without stress or damage and stay in any position they choose as long they need without effort or strain.
    •  Enhanced Leap - can jump farther than average members of their species. They can leap farther than even the greatest human athlete. Impressive feats include being able to jump over large fences, clear big holes in the ground, jump from building top to building top, and etc.
    •  Enhanced Speed - The power to possess speed enhanced beyond that of a normal member of the user's species.
    •  Predator Instinct - Possesses predatory instincts, allowing them to become masters of hunting and tracking. One with this ability can discern numerous factors of a situation that make them a master of pursuit and capture. This includes what move a foe will make, where they are headed (if the user is in the foe’s proximity, or knows the foe fairly well), as well as how to effectively cause a foe to play right into one’s hands in combat/pursuit.

  •  Rider Gashats - Transformation Trinkets

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Medical Information

Name: Placeholder
Age: 16
Birthday: Feburary, 29 2000
Gender: Female



7/20 (Search)
7/20 (Acting)
7/20 (Scrounging)
8/20 (Programming)
8/20 (Cooking)
7/20 (Climbing)
8/20 (Hiking)
7/20 (Driving)
7/20 (Riding)
8/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


7/20 (Savoir-Faire)
7/20 (Observation)
8/20 (Gesture)
8/20 (Verbal)
8/20 (Carousing)
6/20 (Diplomacy)
8/20 (Interrogation)
8/20 (Patience)


8/20 (Hacking)
7/20 (Stealth)
8/20 (Fast-Talk)
7/20 (Streetwise)
7/20 (Forced Entry)
7/20 (Lockpicking)
7/20 (Pickpocket)
7/20 (Holdout)
7/20 (Disguise)


7/20 (Throwing)
7/20 (Axe)
7/20 (Mace)
7/20 (Broadsword)
6/20 (Knife)
7/20 (Shortsword)
7/20 (Staff)
7/20 (Beam Weapons)
7/20 (Bow)
7/20 (Crossbow)
7/20 (Small Guns)
7/20 (Heavy Weapons)


6/20 (Boxing)
7/20 (Brawling)
6/20 (Karate)
6/20 (Coporia)
6/20 (Karatmancy)
6/20 (Judo)
7/20 (Sumo)
6/20 (Wrestling)



TBA: +1


TBA: +1


Base Rider Diff: 10 (+/-2 per level)
