Count Salty

Initial Emergence

The boss of the Genm Corp. game Mighty Action X, the character of Salty was conceived by Kuroto Dan, the teenage son of Genm CEO Masamune Dan. As a Bugster, Salty's origin is traced to the Y2K bug, which left what would be known as the Bugster Virus on the younger Dan's computer shortly following New Year's 2000. Secretly incubating the virus by infecting the young Emu Hojo with it, Kuroto Dan would arrange for its matured form to be extracted by Michihiko Zaizen ten years later, using it to execute the Zero Day incident in the following year.

Salty in Mighty Action X

Five years after Zero Day, the Salty Bugster emerged from Game Disease victim Sota Suyama, being formed from small viruses that had leapt off of the massive Bugster Union form Sota had been taken over by. He and a squad of Bugster Viruses take form after the massive virus had been defeated by Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Action Gamer Level 1, half of the Virus footsoldiers taking on the costumes of chefs. The Viruses are defeated by Ex-Aid Action Gamer Level 2 before Salty himself faces the Rider, being beaten back by the Gashacon Breaker before being destroyed by Ex-Aid's Mighty Critical Strike. However due the the victim activating the gasat Salty is complete upon emergance and to save the host Lexx uses the Seperation Item to split they two so Salty can be defeated without killing the host.


Powers & Abilities

  •  Teleportation – Like the Bugster executives, Count Salty is capable of entering any level selected by the Kamen Riders.
  •  Hebitsukai Snake Eyes Immunity – Presumably thanks to his Bugster nature, he's unaffected by Naga Ray's immobilization.
  •  Imortality – As a complete Bugster she will respawn stronger if killed.


  •  Salty Knuckle – Electrified gauntlet weapon.


: 5/10
: 5/10
: 5/10
: 5/10
: 5/10
: 5/10
: 5/10

Medical Information

Name: Count Salty
Age: 16
Birthday: Feburary, 29 2000
Gender: Male



7/20 (Search)
7/20 (Acting)
7/20 (Scrounging)
8/20 (Programming)
8/20 (Cooking)
7/20 (Climbing)
8/20 (Hiking)
7/20 (Driving)
11/20 (Riding)
8/20 (First Aid/Medicine)


7/20 (Savoir-Faire)
7/20 (Observation)
8/20 (Gesture)
8/20 (Verbal)
8/20 (Carousing)
6/20 (Diplomacy)
8/20 (Interrogation)
8/20 (Patience)


8/20 (Hacking)
7/20 (Stealth)
8/20 (Fast-Talk)
7/20 (Streetwise)
7/20 (Forced Entry)
7/20 (Lockpicking)
7/20 (Pickpocket)
7/20 (Holdout)
7/20 (Disguise)


7/20 (Throwing)
7/20 (Axe)
7/20 (Mace)
7/20 (Broadsword)
6/20 (Knife)
7/20 (Shortsword)
7/20 (Staff)
7/20 (Beam Weapons)
7/20 (Bow)
7/20 (Crossbow)
7/20 (Small Guns)
7/20 (Heavy Weapons)


6/20 (Boxing)
7/20 (Brawling)
6/20 (Karate)
6/20 (Coporia)
6/20 (Karatmancy)
6/20 (Judo)
7/20 (Sumo)
6/20 (Wrestling)



TBA: +1


TBA: +1


Base Rider Diff: 10 (+/-2 per level)
